Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentControlNomadImpl._CommandContext | |
Ccomms.repository.RuntimeRepoControl._RequestContext | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::AbstractEvent | Abstract Event Type that is used as a base for all events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertStatusEvent | Event published when alert status is changed |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::ComputationEvent | Abstract Event Type that is used as a base for computation events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComputationFinishedEvent | Event Type used to signal that a computation has finished |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComputationStartedEvent | Event Type used to signal that a computation has started |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::ConfigurationEvent | Abstract Event Type that is used as a base for configuration events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ConfigurationRetrievedEvent | Event Type used to signal that a configuration data item was retrieved from RTR |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ConfigurationUpdatedEvent | Event Type used to signal that a configuration data item was updated in RTR |
Crtctk::componentFramework::HrtcConfigurationAppliedEvent | Event Type used to signal that a configuration data item was applied in HRTC |
Crtctk::componentFramework::HrtcConfigurationScheduledEvent | Event Type used to signal that a configuration data item was scheduled to be applied in HRTC |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::CoordinationEvent | Abstract Event Type that is used as a base for coordination events |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StateChangedEvent | Event Type used to signal that some entity changed its state |
Crtctk::componentFramework::HrtcStateChangedEvent | Event Type used to signal that some entity in HRTC changed its state |
►CActivity | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ThreadActivity | Class that handles state machine activities |
Crtctk::telSub::AgnosticDataSamples | Container of DDS samples and associated sample information |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertStatusEvent::Alert | Represents an active alert originating from a component instance |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertDescription | Uniquely describes an alert |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertEventPublisher | Alert observer that publishes alerts to event service using the typed event AlertStatusEvent |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertLogger | Simple alert observer that writes alerts to log |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertSource | Models a single alert source that can be set or cleared |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertSourceFactoryIf | Interface to create AlertSource |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertServiceIf | Alert Service interface |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertService | Implementation of AlertIf |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertStatusObserverIf::AlertStatus | Structure describing an alert condition with status from the corresponding AlertSource |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertStatusObserverIf | Interface to observe alert status |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertServiceIf | Alert Service interface |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::Args | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AsSpan< T > | Gets the span type for converting type T to a span |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AsSpan< const std::array< T, Size > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AsSpan< MatrixBuffer< T, Allocator > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AsSpan< std::array< T, Size > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AsSpan< std::vector< T, Allocator > > | |
►CAsyncCustomCmds | |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomCmdsImpl | |
►CAsyncFuncCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FuncCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of commands Run, Idle and Recover using MAL |
►CAsyncLoopCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::LoopCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of commands Open and Close using MAL |
►CAsyncMeasCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MeasCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of command Measure using MAL |
►CAsyncMetaDaq | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::AcquisitorCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of metadaqif commands using MAL |
►CAsyncOptCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::OptCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of command Optimise using MAL |
►CAsyncStdCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of stdif commands |
►CAsyncSuspCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::SuspCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of commands Suspend and Resume using MAL |
►CAsyncUpdateCmds | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::UpdateCmdsImpl | Class that handles reception of command Update using MAL |
►CBizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Loopaware< Super >::BizLogicIf | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::Measurable< Super >::BizLogicIf | Business logic interface for Measurable mixin |
Crtctk::exampleDataTask::BusinessLogic | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Optimisable< Super >::BizLogicIf | Business logic interface for Optimisable mixin |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::Runnable< Super >::BizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::exampleComponent::BusinessLogic | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcSupervisor | |
Crtctk::telemetryRecorder::BusinessLogic | |
Crtctk::telRepub::TelRepubBusinessLogic | Telemetry Republisher business logic |
Crtctk::telSub::BusinessLogic | Implements the Telemetry Subscriber business logic |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Suspendable< Super >::BizLogicIf | |
►Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomLifeCycle< Super >::BizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::BusinessLogic | |
►Crtctk::metadataCollector::Acquisitor< Super >::BizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::BusinessLogic | |
►CCiiBaseException | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DataPointPath::InvalidPathException | Exception class used when an invalid character is used in a DataPointPath |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RtctkException | Base class for all Rtctk exceptions |
Crtctk::componentFramework::AlertConflictException | Exception indicating that a metric such as counter or thread conflicts with already known metrics |
Crtctk::componentFramework::BufferTooSmall | The BufferTooSmall is thrown when an API call fails because the provided buffer is not big enough to hold the data |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::ArgNotSet | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::HelpOnly | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DirCreationError | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileFormatError | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FitsRecorder< T >::FitsError | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::InitialisationException | Thrown in cases where an initialisation routine has failed |
Crtctk::componentFramework::InvalidArgumentException | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::InvalidSetting | This Exception is raised when a invalid setting was used in the runtime repo |
Crtctk::componentFramework::InvalidStateChange | This Exception is raised when the state change requested is invalid |
Crtctk::componentFramework::InvalidUriInFileError | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IpcqError | This Exception is raised when the ipc queue returns an error that cannot be handled by the RecordingThread |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MetricConflictException | Exception indicating that a metric such as counter or thread conflicts with already known metrics |
Crtctk::componentFramework::NotImplementedException | The NotImplementedException is thrown whenever an attempt is made to use a feature or function that has not been implemented |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PathMissingException | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PersistentRepoAdapter::InvalidDocumentException | Exception indicating that validation checks of a CII configuration document failed |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PersistentRepoAdapter::PathMissingException | Exception indicating a datapoint path does not exist |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PersistentRepoAdapter::ServiceFailureException | Exception indicating a general CII configuration service error |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ServiceRegistryIf::InvalidComponent | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ServiceRegistryIf::InvalidService | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::UnsupportedTypeException | The UnsupportedTypeException is thrown whenever an attempt is made to use an unsupported type in the RTC Toolkit API |
Crtctk::componentFramework::UnsupportedUriException | The UnsupportedUriException is thrown whenever an attempt is made to use an unsupported URI in the RTC Toolkit API |
Crtctk::dataTask::AsynchronousError | |
Crtctk::dataTask::ParameterNotSet | |
Crtctk::dataTask::ParameterNotWriteable | |
Crtctk::dataTask::RequestTimedOut | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::PopulateConfig::InvalidConfigException | The InvalidConfigException is thrown when datapoints in the Persistent Configuration Repository are discovered to have invalid values |
CCombinedFrames | Data about the combined packets of a single sample |
Crtctk::componentFramework::CommandReplier | Class that handles reception of commands using MAL |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::CommandRequestor | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::CommandRequestor | Extendable class that allows to send commands to components using MAL |
CMyCommandRequestor | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComponentMetricsConfigurator | Configures ComponentMetrics from a runtime repository |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::ComponentMetricsIf | Component metrics interface |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComponentMetrics | Implementation of ComponentMetricsIf |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComponentMetricsParams | Dynamic parameters for ComponentMetrics |
CComputation | |
Crtctk::exampleDataTask::Computation | |
Ccomms.config.Configuration | This class provides default configuration values for the rtctkConfigTool tool itself |
►Cconjunction | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsSpanConvertible< T > | Type trait to check if a type can be converted to a Span using AsSpan/ToSpan |
►Crtctk::telSub::CorrelatorIf | Interface for correlator implemementations that takes new data samples from DDS and performs correlation on them |
Crtctk::telSub::Correlator | Implements a correlator |
Crtctk::telSub::CorrelatorParams | Placeholder for correlator parameters |
Crtctk::componentFramework::CounterMetricInfo | Defines auxiliary information associated with each counter registered with ComponentMetricsIf |
►CDaqException | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::DaqRequestRejected | |
►CDaqReply | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::DaqReply | |
►CDaqStatus | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::DaqStatus | |
►CDaqStopReply | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::DaqStopReply | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DataPointPath | This class provides a wrapper for a data point path |
►CDataReaderListener | |
Crtctk::telSub::DdsReaderListener | Listener class for different DDS events |
►CDataReaderListener | |
CGenSubReaderListener | DDS Listener |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsReaderListener | Listener class for different DDS events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DataRecorder< T > | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::DataRecorder< T... > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FitsRecorder< ecs::TaiClock::time_point::rep, std::string > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FitsRecorder< T > | |
Crtctk::telSub::DataSamplesView | A set of correlated agnostic non-owning data samples references |
Crtctk::telSub::DataSampleView | Agnostic data sample non-owning reference type |
►CDataWriterListener | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsWriterListener | Listener class for differetn DDS events |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::Dds | Common functionallty needed to create DDS entities like participant and topic that can be later used (extent) for DDS data publishing and subscribing |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsPub | All functionallty needed to create DDS entities for DDS data publishing is concentrated in this class |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsSub | All functionality needed to create DDS entities for DDS data subscribing is concentrated in this class |
Crtctk::telSub::DdsParams | Parameter set to be passed to classes deriving from DdsWaitSetIf |
Crtctk::telRepub::TelRepubBusinessLogic::DdsPublisherContext | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsReaderParams | Structure that keeps together topic name and DDS Data Writer listener |
►Crtctk::telSub::DdsWaitSetIf | Base class abstracting DDS communication code |
Crtctk::telSub::DdsWaitSet | Implements DDS communication using FastDDS |
Crtctk::telSub::FakeDdsSubscriber | Fake DDS subscriber |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DdsWriterParams | Structure that keeps together topic name and DDS Data Writer listener |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DebugExport | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::empty_base< class > | |
►Cerror_category | |
Crtctk::telRepub::MudpiProcessorErrorCategory | MUDPI Processor error category |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::EventPublisherIf | Interface class for publishing JSON events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MalDdsEventPublisher | Implementation of event publisher |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::EventServiceIf | Interface class for providing pub/sub facilities for JSON events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MalDdsEventService | Implementation of low-level event service using CII MAL DDS as middleware |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::EventSubscriberIf | Interface class for subscribing to JSON events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MalDdsEventSubscriber | Implementation of event subscriber |
►CExceptionErr | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RequestAborted | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RequestFailed | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RequestRejected | |
►CExceptionErr | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdIfRequestAborted | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdIfRequestFailed | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdIfRequestRejected | |
►Cfalse_type | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsDynamicSpan< T > | Type trait to check if a type is a gsl::span with dynamic size |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixBuffer< T > | Type trait to check if a type is a MatrixBuffer |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixBufferType< typename > | Structure for detecting MatrixBuffer types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixSpanType< typename > | Structure for detecting MatrixSpan types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsSpanType< typename > | Structure for detecting gsl::span types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsStaticSpan< T > | Type trait to check if a type is a gsl::span with fixed size |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsStdArray< T > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsVector< T > | Type trait to check if a type is a std::vector |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsVectorType< typename > | Structure for detecting std::vector types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PathMapper::FilePathResult | Result object returned by the PathToFile method |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FitsColumn | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FitsColumnFormat< T, _ > | Type that stores type information for a FITS TFORM string |
►CFitsConverterIf | |
CGenericCamera | The GenericCamera implements a Camera that saves the packet data, without combining the data into a FITS binary table |
CLisaCamera | |
CFrameIdentifier | Unique identifier for packets of a single frame |
CFrameMetadata | Metadata for a single frame |
Crtctk::standaloneTools::GenDdsPublisher | Generic DDS Publisher Class provides functionally to create one DDS Topic and one DDS DataWriter, and one thread that first waits for a given number of data readers/subscribers and after publishing sampels in a loop |
CGpuLib | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IDisabling | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IEnabling | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IInitialising | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RtcComponent::InputStage | |
►CInputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Loopaware< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Measurable< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Optimisable< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Runnable< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Suspendable< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomLifeCycle< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Acquisitor< Super >::InputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::is_base_of_template_impl< Base, Derived > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::is_present< What, Args > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IStarting | |
Crtctk::telSub::OperationalLogicIf::LastError | Describes last errors |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::LgsPixelTopic | |
►CLogInfo | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::LogInfo | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::LogInitializer | RAII class to clean-up logging without leaking memory |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Loopaware< Super > | |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::McaoLoopTopic | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::MeasureContext | Holds context necessary for processing a measure request to completion |
Crtctk::dataTask::MessageQueue< T > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::MessageQueue< rtctk::dataTask::Request< Command > > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::MessageQueue< std::error_code > | |
►CModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Loopaware< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Measurable< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Optimisable< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Runnable< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Suspendable< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomLifeCycle< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Acquisitor< Super >::ModelBuilder | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::ModelBuilderBase | Base class of the ModelBuilder |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RtcComponent::ModelBuilder | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ModelManipulator | Class that provides methods to manipulate the state machine model |
Cmudpi::mudpiHeader | MUDPI header definition |
CMudpiHeader | |
Crtctk::telRepub::MudpiProcessor | Processing MUDPI data received by UDP receiver: rtctk::telRepub::UdpReceiver |
►Cnested_exception | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::UnspecifiedNested< T > | Unspecified exception used by WrapWithNested |
Crtctk::componentFramework::NestedExceptionPrinter | Adapter object intended to be used in contexts without direct access to the output-stream object |
►Cobject | |
CrtctkExampleDataTaskRobotTest.rtctkExampleDataTaskRobotTest.rtctkExampleDataTaskRobotTest | ! Class for the Data task robotTesting very basic class to add support for numerical verification in robot tests |
Crtctk::telSub::OperationalLogicFactoryParams | Set of all parameters needed when constructing the OperationalLogic object |
►Crtctk::telSub::OperationalLogicIf | Interface to the operational logic implementation |
Crtctk::telSub::OperationalLogic | Implements the behaviour for Operational state |
Crtctk::telSub::OperationalParams | Configuration parameters needed for operational logic |
Ccli.operations.Operations | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::OptimiseContext | Holds context necessary for processing a optimise request to completion |
►Coptional_base | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::BizLogicIf | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RtcComponent::BizLogicIf | |
CBusinessLogic | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::BizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::BizLogicIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::BizLogicIf | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RtcComponent::OutputStage | |
►COutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Loopaware< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Measurable< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Optimisable< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Runnable< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Suspendable< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomLifeCycle< Super >::OutputStage | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Acquisitor< Super >::OutputStage | |
CPacketCombiner | This class combines the packets of a sample |
CPacketData | |
CPacketDumper | PacketDumper class to capture packets via libpcap |
Crtctk::dataTask::Parameter< T > | Class for basic handling of Paramters in read thread Gives a simple interface for locking parameters from being modified when locked |
Crtctk::dataTask::Parameter< float > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::Parameter< ReaderMode > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::Parameter< size_t > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::Parameter< std::string > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf::ReadRequest::Parameters | A structure to hold the arguments passed with one of the Add methods |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf::WriteRequest::Parameters | A structure to hold the arguments passed with one of the Add methods |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositorySubscriberIf::SubscribeRequest::Parameters | A structure to hold the arguments passed to the Add method |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositorySubscriberIf::UnsubscribeRequest::Parameters | A structure to hold the arguments passed with one of the Add methods |
►CParamType | |
Ccli.argtypes.DpPathParamType | CLI argument type for DataPointPath objects used in the click module |
Ccli.argtypes.DpTypeParamType | |
Ccli.argtypes.UriParamType | CLI argument type for URI objects used in the click module |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PathMapper | Used to calculate URIs from datapoint paths |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::PixelBaseTopic< NPIX > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PlantUmlExport | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::PopulateConfig | A utility class used to populate the Runtime Configuration Repository |
Celt::mal::ps::Publisher< TOPIC_TYPE > | |
Crtctk::telRepub::PubThreadBase< Q_SIZE > | DDS publisher thread class that provides queue with aggregated topic to be published by DDS |
►Crtctk::telRepub::PubThreadBase< 300 > | |
Crtctk::telRepub::PubThread< T, Q_SIZE, TDW > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::ReaderThread< TopicType, ReaderType > | ReaderThread for the Data Class |
Crtctk::dataTask::ReaderThread< rtctk::exampleTopic::ScaoLoopTopic > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf::ReadRequest | A request object to pass information about datapoints that should be read from the repository |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< T > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< ComputationEvent > | Trait class that defines how ComputationEvent is recorded |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< ComputationFinishedEvent > | Trait class that defines how ComputationFinishedEvent is recorded |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< ComputationStartedEvent > | Trait class that defines how ComputationStartedEvent is recorded |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< ConfigurationEvent > | Trait class that defines how ConfigurationEvent is recorded |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< EventType > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< ScaoLoopTopic > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingInfo< Topic > | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RecordingUnit | Abstract base class for all sources that can be recorded by the MetadataCollector and TelemetryRecorder |
Crtctk::componentFramework::DataPointRecordingUnit< DpType, OutputStage > | Recording Unit that can record RTR datapoints |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IpcqRecordingUnit< Topic, OutputStage > | Recording Unit that can record from shared memory queue |
Crtctk::componentFramework::JsonEventRecordingUnit< OutputStage > | Recording Unit that can record JSON events |
Crtctk::componentFramework::TypedEventRecordingUnit< EventType, OutputStage > | Recording Unit that can record typed events |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf | Abstract interface providing basic read and write facilities to a repository |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::FileRepository | Implements a file based repository that stores datapoints in local YAML and FITS files |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileOldbAdapter | A file based OLDB adapter that simulates OLDB with a local YAML file |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FilePersistentRepoAdapter | Implements a file based Persistent Configuration Repository adapter that can be used for testing |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileRuntimeRepoAdapter | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::OldbIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileOldbAdapter | A file based OLDB adapter that simulates OLDB with a local YAML file |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::OldbAdapter | Provides access to the OLDB to read and write datapoints |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RuntimeRepoAdapter | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::PersistentRepoIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FilePersistentRepoAdapter | Implements a file based Persistent Configuration Repository adapter that can be used for testing |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PersistentRepoAdapter | Implements the Persistent Configuration Repository adapter that uses the CII configuration service as the backend |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RuntimeRepoIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileRuntimeRepoAdapter | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RuntimeRepoAdapter | |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositorySubscriberIf | Abstract interface providing subscription facilities for a repository |
Crtctk::componentFramework::OldbIf | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RuntimeRepoIf | |
Crtctk::telRepub::RepubBuf< T > | Implementation of buffer (ring) that allows to have preallocated slots of type T |
Crtctk::telRepub::RepubBuf< rtctk::componentFramework::AgnosticTopic > | |
Crtctk::dataTask::Request< REQ_TYPE > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf::Response | An object used to wait for a request to complete |
CComputation::Result | |
Crtctk::exampleDataTask::Computation::Result | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcCommandRequest | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcCommandRequestList | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcCommandRequestListSeries | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcMalContext | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcMonitor | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcObject | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcObjectConfig | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcObjectDescription | |
Crtctk::rtcSupervisor::RtcObjectsDescription | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
CRtmsCommonHeader | Header common for all RTMS packet types |
CRtmsHeader | RTMS header |
Crtms::rtmsHeader | |
Crtms::rtmsLeader | |
CRtmsLeaderHeader | Header for the RTMS leader packet |
Crtms::rtmsPayload | |
CRtmsPayloadHeader | Header for the RTMS paylaod packet |
Crtms::rtmsTrailer | |
CRtmsTrailerHeader | Header for the RTMS trailer packet |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Runnable< Super > | Life cycle extension to make RtcComponent Runnable |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Runnable< Super > | |
CSampleIdentifier | Unique identifier for packets of a single sample |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::ScaoLoopTopic | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ScXmlExport | |
Crtctk::dataTask::Semaphore | |
►Crtctk::telSub::SeqLoanerIf | Loaner interface |
Crtctk::telSub::DdsWaitSet | Implements DDS communication using FastDDS |
Crtctk::telSub::FakeDdsSubscriber | Fake DDS subscriber |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ServiceContainer | Container class that holds services of any type |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ServiceDiscovery | Class that implements a very basic service discovery mechanism |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::ServiceRegistryIf | Class that implements a service registry to be used by the service discovery |
Crtctk::componentFramework::FileServiceRegistryAdapter | Class that implements a very basic service discovery mechanism |
Crtctk::telSub::ShmParams | Shared memory configuration parameters |
Crtctk::standaloneTools::ShmPub< TopicType, WriterType > | ShmPub parent class |
►Crtctk::standaloneTools::ShmPub< ScaoLoopTopic > | |
CExampleShmPubScao | |
►Crtctk::telSub::ShmPublisherIf | Simple interface to class that owns the shared memory queue |
Crtctk::telSub::ShmPublisher< UserTopicType, DataBlender, ShmWriter > | |
►Crtctk::standaloneTools::ShmSubscriberBase | Base class to implement all non-template methods that can be pre-compiled for the ShmSubscriber |
Crtctk::standaloneTools::ShmSubscriber< Topic, ConditionPolicy, ShmTraits > | Implements basic features for a simple shared memory subscriber program |
Crtctk::componentFramework::SmCatExport | |
►Cspan | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MatrixSpan< T > | A span class that simply extends gsl::span to record the number of rows and columns of a matrix and checks that this correctly corresponds to the underlying buffer size in debug builds |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::State | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StateMachine | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StateMachineEngine | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StatePublisher | Class used to publish state-changed-topic using MAL |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StateSubscriber | Class used to subscribe to state-changed-topic using MAL |
►Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options > | Basic life cycle for StdComponent |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RtcComponent | Basic life cycle for RtcComponent |
CStreamIdentifier | Unique identifier for packets of a single stream |
Celt::mal::ps::Subscriber< TOPIC_TYPE > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositorySubscriberIf::SubscribeRequest | A request object to pass information about datapoints to subscribe to |
►CSuper | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Loopaware< Super > | Life cycle extension to make RtcComponent Loopaware |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Measurable< Super > | Life cycle extension to make RtcComponent Measurable |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Optimisable< Super > | Life cycle extension to make RtcComponent Optimisable |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Suspendable< Super > | Life cycle extension to make Loopaware RtcComponent Suspendable |
Crtctk::exampleCustom::CustomLifeCycle< Super > | |
Crtctk::metadataCollector::Acquisitor< Super > | Life cycle extension for Acquisitor RtcComponent |
►CT | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::UnspecifiedNested< T > | Unspecified exception used by WrapWithNested |
►CTest | |
►CTestOldbAdapterBase | |
CTestOldbAdapter | |
CTestOldbAdapterHierarchy | |
CTestPersistentRepoAdapter | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ComponentMetrics::Thread | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::ThreadMetricInfo | Defines auxiliary information associated with each thread registered with ComponentMetricsIf |
Crtctk::componentFramework::Transition | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cstd::is_error_code_enum< rtctk::telRepub::MudpiProcessingError > | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixBuffer< MatrixBuffer< T, Allocator > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixBufferType< MatrixBuffer< T, A > > | Structure for detecting MatrixBuffer types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsMatrixSpanType< MatrixSpan< T > > | Structure for detecting MatrixSpan types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsSpanType< gsl::span< T > > | Structure for detecting gsl::span types using SFINAE |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsStdArray< std::array< T, N > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsVector< std::vector< T, Allocator > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsVectorType< std::vector< T > > | Structure for detecting std::vector types using SFINAE |
►Ctype | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsDynamicSpan< gsl::span< T, N > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::IsStaticSpan< gsl::span< T, N > > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::TypedEventPublisher< EventType > | An event publisher that is aware of event types |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::TypedEventPublisherManager | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::TypedEventService | A high-level event service API that is aware of event types |
Crtctk::componentFramework::TypedEventSubscriber< EventType > | An event subscriber that is aware of event types |
Crtctk::componentFramework::detail::TypedEventSubscriberManager | |
Crtctk::telRepub::UdpReceiver | Receiving UDP data asynchronously and forwards received packets to provided packet processors |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositorySubscriberIf::UnsubscribeRequest | A request object to pass information about datapoints to unsubscribe from |
Crtctk::componentFramework::PathMapper::UriResult | Result object returned by the PathToUri method |
►CUseDisabling | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
►CUseEnabling | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
►CUseInitialising | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
►CUseStarting | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::StdComponent< Options >::AppliedOptions | |
►Cvector | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MatrixBuffer< float > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::MatrixBuffer< T, A > | |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::WfsLoopBaseTopic< NSUBAPS > | |
Crtctk::exampleTopic::WfsLoopBaseTopic< N_SUBAPS > | |
Crtctk::componentFramework::RepositoryIf::WriteRequest | A request object to pass information about datapoints that should be written to the repository |
►CMalAdapter | |
Ccomms.stdcmdsfacade.StdCmdsFacade | |
Ccomms.updatecmdsfacade.UpdateCmdsFacade | |
►CQLabel | |
Cgui.qecpu.QeCpu | QeCpu is a small text bsaed widget that presents the running process cpu usage |
Cgui.taurusstate.TaurusState | State widget that uses Taurus to connect to a model |
►CQMainWindow | |
Cgui.main_window.MainWindow | Implementation of the mainwindow.ui design |
►CQObject | |
►Ccomms.configuration.RtcConfiguration | RtcConfiguration is the interface and base class for all Configuration access mechanism |
Ccomms.configuration.RtcConfigurationImpl | RtcConfiguraitonImpl is an empty implementation of the RtCconfiguration Interface |
►Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentControl | This is an abstract class providing a Qt signal/slot interface for triggering the starting and stopping of Deployment Sets and individual SRTC components |
Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentControlNomadImpl | Implements the RtcDeploymentControl interface using Nomad as the backend |
►Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentData | Interface for Deployment Data access |
Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentDataFileImpl | Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using files |
Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentDataNomadImpl | Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using Nomad |
Ccomms.deployment.RtcDeploymentDataServiceImpl | Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using :class:rtctk.framekwork.ServiceDiscovery |
►Ccomms.logs.RtcLogs | RtcLogs acts as an interface for accessing logs locations |
Ccomms.logs.RtcLogsLocalImpl | Provides LogWidget local URIs compatible with :class:LogsWidget |
Ccomms.oldb.OldbClient | Wrapper to wait for an OLDB Client connection to be ready using Qt signals |
Ccomms.repository.RuntimeRepoControl | Interface for accessing the Runtime Configuration Repository asynchronously |
Cgui.taskfeedback.ResizeFilter | Filter that monitor resize events from a refernece widgets, and apply the same width to the sibling widget |
►CQWidget | |
Cgui.rtc_overview.RtcOverview | RtcOverview Widget presents a list of RTC Components, based on the current deployment |
Cgui.taskfeedback.TaskFeedback | Widget that contains a message, a transparent colored background, and a close button |
Cgui.taurusdevicebase.TaurusDeviceBase | TaurusDeviceBase class, it provides a quick way to set every children-taurus-aware widget to a common OLDB URI prefix |
►CTaurusBaseComponent | |
Cgui.taurusstate.TaurusState | State widget that uses Taurus to connect to a model |
►CTaurusBaseContainer | |
Cgui.taurusdevicebase.TaurusDeviceBase | TaurusDeviceBase class, it provides a quick way to set every children-taurus-aware widget to a common OLDB URI prefix |
►CTaurusDeviceBase | |
Cgui.rtc_component.RtcComponent | Widget that represent an RTC component |