MASCOT Image Gallery

MASCOT in place on Paranal

This is a picture of MASCOT in Cerro Paranal Observatory in Chile, on the roof of the meteorological hut of VLT MASCOT in Paranal

Images of the Sky

Here are some examples of pictures taken with MASCOT, showing different phenomena detectable by the instrument (images by Sylvain Rondi). Click to enlarge the images.


A little cloudy sky with full moon, that is saturated and provokes a circular reflection Clouds
Clouds under the moonlight on a more clouded night Clouds

Atmospheric Emission

This is an atmospheric phenomenon named Gravito-Acoustic Waves. It's due to emission in the high atmosphere (mainly OI, OII, OII, OH, Na). Atmospheric Emission


Bright meteors and shooting stars are often seen in MASCOT images, as you can see on this pictures Click to Enlarge!