Tools and Tips
Some links to pertinent tools for MATISSE observation preparation and data reduction, and general tips for a successful run.
ESO Archive
Access both public and private data through the User Portal. MATISSE specific keywords can be queried with a dedicated form.
Data reduction and visualization
- The MATISSE pipeline for data reduction is available from the ESO pipeline page. Any problem or comment related to the official MATISSE ESO pipeline, including issues with pipeline installation, should be reported to USD.
- Python data visualization and reduction tools developed by the MATISSE consortium are available at the following link. Any problem related to consortium tools should be reported directly to the consortium.
Generic Tools and information
- ETC, Exposure Time Calculators
- VLTI visibility calculator (VisCalc) - VisCalc is an online tool that has been developed for all VLTI instruments. It gives an estimate of the visibility obtained from a target, depending on the target geometry and on the VLTI baseline that is used.
- VLTI calibrator selector (CalVin) - To help the user to select visibility calibrator sources for phase 2, it is recommended to use the "CalVin" online tool, by clicking on the link.
- Calibrators can also be found through the JMMC provided tool SearchCal.
- Phase 1 Proposal Preparation and Submission
- Phase 2 Proposal Preparation for Service Mode observations
- Web based p2 tool
- Catalogue of calibrators provided by the MATISSE consortium
- Magnitude / Jansky Converter: Point Sources (Spitzer) => to be used in P1
- Zip file including the values of the transmission filters of MATISSE.