
In this page, you will find all the manuals needed to prepare and analyse your observations with KMOS. Please be sure to download the needed document corresponding to the period in which the observations will take place.


All the manuals are in PDF format.

  • KMOS User's Manual
    All the informations about the instrument itself, its modes and their characteristics (no changes with respect to previous version)
    • Period 115, to be used in Phase 1 and 2 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2025.
    • Period 114, to be used in Phase 1 and 2 for observations to be executed in period September 2024 to April 2025.
    • Period 113, to be used in Phase 1 and 2 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2024.
    • Period 112, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period October 2023 - April 2024: important changes in Chap. 4 in what concerns the observation of telluric stars.
    • Period 111, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2023: important changes in Chap. 4 in what concerns the observation of telluric stars. Additional changes will be introduced in Period 112 which are also described in the manual
    • Period 110, to be used in Phase 2 for observations to be executed in period October 2022 - March 2023. (Sec. 3.2 & 3.3: update of guide star magnitude ranges)
    • Period 110, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period October 2022 - March 2023. No changes w.r.t. P108
    • Period 109, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2022. No changes w.r.t. P108
    • Period 108, to be used in Phase 2 for observations to be executed in period October 2021 - April 2022
    • Period 107, to be used in Phase 2 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2021 
    • Period 106, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period October 2020 - April 2021
    • Period 105, to be used in Phase 2 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2020 (Sec. 3.4.8 with grating efficiencies as a function of PWV). 
    • Period 105, to be used in Phase 1 for observations to be executed in period April - September 2020 (Sec. 2.4 describes the turbulence categories)
  • KARMA User's Manual
    This is the software used to define arm allocation setups. It can also be used to test a proposal feasibility in terms of target density, field of view, etc.
    • Period 110, to be used for Phase 2 (update of the guide star magnitude ranges).
    • Period 108, to be used for Phase 2
    • Period 103, to be used for Phase 2 (new Appendinx A with Hints and Tricks for preparing observations. Refers to p2 Tool.)
    • Period 103, to be used for Phase 1 (no changes with respect P100)
    • Period 102, to be used for Phase 1 and 2 (no changes with respect P100)
    • Period 101, to be used during Phase 1 (no changes with respect to Period 100, Phase 2)
    • Period 100, to be used during Phase 2 for observations in the September 2017 - March 2018 period (updated to KARMA v2.7, new feature described in Sec 7 to observe the same object with 2 different arms in nod-to-sky mode)
    • Period 100, to be used during Phase 1 (no changes with respect to Period 96).