

March 24 (Sunday) : Hotel Costa Real

  • 17:00 - Registration
  • 18:00 - Welcome cocktail
  • 20:00 - End of cocktail

Program Overview


  • Day 1, Monday, March 25
  • Day 2, Tuesday, March 26
  • Day 3, Wednesday, March 27
  • Day 4, Thursday, March 28
  • Day 5, Friday, March 29

    Direct access to LS2019 contributions in Zenodo:  

    MONDAY, March 25

    SESSION 1: History
    08:30 Registration
    Opening remarks
    10:00 Silva, Barbara
    Astronomy and History. What time could tell us on the astronomical facilities in Chile
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245284
    Tarenghi, Massimo Project management
    11:00 Coffee break
    Chair: Monique Spite
    11:30 Eisenhauer, Frank
    28 yrs of Galactic Center observation from the La Silla and Paranal observatories
    SESSION 2: Science
    12:00 Melnick, Jorge
    Greatest scientific hits of La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245274
    12:30 Maeder, André
    Contributions of La Silla instruments to our understanding of stars
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245268
    13:00 Lunch
    Chair: Emmanuel Jehin
    14:30 Meylan, Georges Kinematics and Dynamics of Globular Clusters
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3247801
    SESSION 3: Hosted projects
    15:00 Andersen, Michael I. The Danish telescopes on La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245240
    15:30 Molinari, Emilio
    REM - automatic for the People
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245276
    16:00 Coffee break
    SESSION 4: The Future
    16:30 Groot, Paul
    BlackGEM Telescope array
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3471366
    SESSION 5: Contributed talks
    17:00 Baade, Dietrich
    Remote observing at ESO’s La Silla Observatory
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245242
    17:15 Armond, Ana Cristina
    Slitless Spectroscopy: from objective prism films to grism CCD images
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3246530
    17:30 Mathys, Gautier
    Pioneering modern (high) resolution spectropolarimetry with the CASPEC Zeeman analyser
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245270
    17:45 End of the day

    TUESDAY, March 26

    SESSION 1:  History
    Chair: Linda Schmidtobreick
    09:00 Ihle, Gerardo Mechanical Engineering in La Silla
    09:30 Lopriore, Sergio Paolo
    The ESO New Technology Telescope: a Race to the Future
    10:00 Spyromilio, Jason The NTT big bang
    10:30 Coffee break
    Chair: Francesco Pepe
    11:00 Barbieri, Cesare
    From the NTT to the TNG
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245244
    SESSION 2: Science

    Zinnecker, Hans

    ESO observations of young binary stars and multiple systems
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3247795
    12:00 Nordstroem, Birgitta
    The Geneva-Copenhagen Survey
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245280
    12:30 Spite, Monique
    The very and extremely metal-poor stars from La Silla to Paranal
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245290
    13:00 Lunch
    SESSION 3: Hosted projects
    Chair: Michael Naumann
    14:30 Nyman, Lars-Ake
    The history of SEST on La Silla
    15:00 Jehin, Emmanuel
    TRAPPIST: 10 years of Science and Operations in la Silla
    SESSION 5: Contributed Talks
    15:45 Gouiffes, Christian Fifty years of high time resolution astrophysics at La Silla, results and prospects
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245264
    16:00  Coffee break
    SESSION 5 cont.: Contributed talks
    Chair: Michael Andersen
    16:30 Barbieri, Cesare Iqueye at the NTT: The best light curves of the optical pulsars in the Crab,  Vela and 0540-69 supernova remnants
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245246
    SESSION 4: The Future
    16:45 Lopriore, Sergio Paolo
    The TBT project
    SESSION 5 cont.: Contributed talks
    17:00 De Graauw, Thijs Pre-SEST IR and Mm wave heterodyne observations from la Silla
    17:15 Kim, Sam GW/GRB longer wavelength EM afterglow modeling
    17:30 Ortolani, Sergio Cloud coverage and sky brightness at La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3248992
    17:45 End of the day

    WEDNESDAY, March 27

    SESSION 1: History  
    Chair: Sergio Ortolani
    09:00 D'Odorico, Sandro
    New optical instruments at La Silla from 1980
    09:30 Kaeufl, Ulli 25 Years of thermal Infrared Astronomy on La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245266
    10:00 Pasquini, Luca
    High Resolution Spectroscopy: past, present, and future
    10:30 Coffee break
    SESSION 2: Science
    Chair: Dietrich Baade
    11:00 Mayor, Michel
    HARPS: exoplanets of the southern sky
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245272
    11:30 Marsh, Thomas
    White dwarfs
    SESSION 3: Hosted projects
    12:00 Udry, Stephane
    The EULER telescope: a key complement to transit surveys
    SESSION 4: The future
    12:30 Bouchy, Francois
    NIRPS – An infrared HARPS for La Silla
    SESSION 5: Contributed talks
    13:00 Schmidtobreick, Linda
    La Silla  a cataclysmic view
    13:15 - 13:30 Snodgrass, Colin GravityCam: A future wide-field high-resolution imager for the NTT
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245286
    15:00 - Trip to La Silla Observatory from the hotel Costa Real - Conference dinner

    THURSDAY, March 28

    SESSION 1: History
    Chair: Lars-Ake Nyman
    09:30 Melo, Claudio
    ESO-Chile: a lifetime friendship
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3257668
    10:00 Hamuy, Mario
    Relations between CTIO and La Silla observatories
    10:30 Infante, Leopoldo Relations between Las Campanas and La Silla observatories
    11:00 Coffee break
    SESSION 4: The future
    Chair: Colin Snodgrass
    11:30 Blanc, Guillermo
    The Future without Light Pollution
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245250
    SESSION 1: History
    12:00 Geisler, Doug The ESO/CTIO Joint Workshops
    SESSION 2: Science
    12:15 Forveille, Thierry
    Planets hosted by low mass stars
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245260
    12:45 Pepe, Francesco HARPS: the missing link between 1 km/s and 1 cm/s
    13:15 Lunch
    Chair: Emilio Molinari
    14:30 Barbuy, Beatriz The Galactic bulge
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245248
    SESSION 3: Hosted projects
    15:00 Forveille, Thierry The ExTrA project
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245262
    15:30 Snellen, Ignas The MASCARA Project
    16:00 Coffee break
    SESSION 4: The future
    Chair: Luca Pasquini
    16:30 Schipani, Pietro
    The SOXS instrument and its significance in the future of La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245282
    SESSION 5: Contributed talks
    17:00 Vogt, Nikolaus The detection of superhumps and eccentric disks
    17:15 De Graauw, Thijs IR and Mm wave heterodyne receivers at la Silla in the seventies
    17:25 Kaufer, Andreas La Silla in the 2020s
    17:40 End
    18:30 Tarenghi, Massimo Public talk: Explorando el Cosmos desde el Desierto de Atacama

    FRIDAY, March 29

    SESSION 1: History
    Chair: Claudio Melo
    09:00 Dennefeld, Michel "Small" telescopes at ESO: from Instrumentation to Science and Training
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3246358 
    See also: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3246366
    09:30 Naumann, Michael ESO Quick Blue and ESO/SRC R-Surveys at the 1m Schmidt
    SESSION 2: Science
    Chair: Sandro D'Odorico
    10:00 Bouchet, Patrice SN 1987A from La Silla
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245252
    10:30 Kotak, Rubina Highlights from ePESSTO
    11:00 Coffee break
    11:30 Turatto, Massimo
    Sne as probes of stellar evolution
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245292
    12:30 Round table "The future of La Silla"
    13:30 Lunch
    SESSION 3: Hosted projects
    Chair: Nikolaus Vogt
    14:45 Boer, Michel From gamma-ray bursts to multiwavelength astrophysics
    15:15 Moni Bidin, Christian Fideos and the ESO 1m telescope
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245278
    SESSION 4: Contributed talks
    15:45 Ederoclite, Alessandro The relevance of medium and small size telescopes in the formation of future astronomers
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245258
    16:00 Dias, Bruno
    ESO-La Silla/NEON School publishes paper on the peculiar globular cluster NGC3201
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3245254
    16:15 Coffee break
    16:45 End of the conference