ESO Summer Research Programme

5th ESO Summer Research Programme
Garching, Germany
3 July - 11 August 2023
For six weeks in the summer of 2023, ESO will host the fifth Summer Research Programme. This fully-funded programme is an opportunity for university students interested in astronomy/astrophysics, who are not yet enrolled in a PhD programme, to obtain research experience alongside astronomers based at ESO Headquarters (HQ) in Garching, Germany.
We accept applications from promising university students from any country, although priority will be given to students from ESO Member States, Strategic Partners (Australia) and the Host State (Chile).
The Summer Research Programme will be hosted in Garching.
We are very excited to announce the successful applicants for the 2023 Summer Programme and the projects on which they will be working:
Zoe Jones (University of Western Australia, Australia)
Project A: Probing the first galaxies with ALMA
with Melanie Kaasinen & Joshiwa van Marrewijk
Kate Barton (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Project B: Finding planets around young, active stars
with Louise Dyregaard Nielsen
Alessandro Ruzza (University of Milan, Italy)
Project C: Reflection Nebulae as signposts of young star interactions with molecular clouds
with Karina Mauco, Anna Miotello & Aashish Gupta
Daria Zaremba (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine)
Project D: Fireworks around new-born stars: key to pre-biotic chemistry
with Marta De Simone, Łukasz Tychoniec & Alice Somigliana
Tsung-Chi Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
Project E: Revealing the footprint of a variable IMF in galaxy-integrated spectra
with Alice Concas, Tereza Jerabkova & Ivanna Langan
Julia Perła (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
Project F: Dust under the carpet: do gaps and rings in protoplanetary discs hint at proto-planets?
with Claudia Toci, Haochang Jiang & Enrique Macias
Mairi Nonhebel (University of St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Project G: Star formation in the extreme
with Ashley Barnes & Katharina Immer
A detailed description of the projects is available here.
The Summer Research Program at ESO is an exceptional opportunity for students to work at an institute that is both the headquarters of the most productive observatory in the world and a top-class research organisation. People at ESO's HQ maintain a very active research community and are also designing and operating cutting-edge telescopes and their instruments including the VLT, ALMA, and the forthcoming ELT, which will be the world's biggest optical-near infrared telescope!
The applicants can choose between a wide range of research projects, covering many areas of astronomy from planets to galaxies. The ESO Summer Research Programme will also provide opportunities beyond research, including a series of lectures, a mini-workshop, a planetarium visit, an ELT instrumentation visit, and many social activities. You should expect six weeks packed with new experiences, new networks and new friendships!
Travel costs to/from Garching will be covered for participants of the programme. Accommodation will be provided in a shared apartment in Garching (with electricity, heating and internet all included). Students will also be provided with a modest stipend to cover living costs during the programme. Successful students have the responsibility to acquire any required visas to spend six weeks working in Germany under these conditions.
ESO Blog articles on the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 editions of the Summer Research Programme can be found here, here, here and here!
For inquiries about the programme, please email