Hypatia Colloquium: Early Career Astronomer series at ESO
The ESO Office for Science is pleased to announce the programme of the Hypatia Colloquium Series 2022, where early career scientists (up to 3 years from the PhD) will have the opportunity of describing their research to a very broad audience.
We released the book of proceedings of the Hypatia Colloquium Series 2022
The papers included in the booklet of the series 2021 and 2022 are also available for download on Zenodo.
Find here the Programme of the Hypatia Colloquium Series 2022
Each event foresees two 20min talks followed by questions and discussion. The seminars will be live streamed on the dedicated YouTube page and will remain available on the same channel on a playlist. All astronomers will be invited to remotely attend the talks.
How to attend the events
The participation to the web events can be done in two ways:
- Registered participant: you can register using the dedicated Registration Form. Registered participants will be able to attend the seminars and interact with the speakers via a Zoom meeting. You can choose to participate to a selection of events or to all. An email will be sent to you 1 hour before the beginning of the event with the instructions on how to connect to the Zoom event. The number of registered participants is limited to 100 per event.
- YouTube attendees: everyone can attend the live events on the dedicated YouTube page. All YouTube attendees will be able to make questions during the live event using a dedicated chat. We encourage you to subscribe to the channel to get automatic notifications each time a new Live Event starts. Attendees who do not have a Google/YouTube account can send their questions using the dedicated form.
The events will be advertised broadly via the ESO Science Newsletter and social media to reach the wide astronomical community.
Please feel free to contact us by sending and email to esohc (at) eso.org
Past Editions
Please find here the programme of the Hypatia Colloquium Series 2021 while here you can download the booklet of proceedings of the Hypatia Colloquium 2021
Quick links
- Home
- NEW!!! --> Program Hypatia Colloquium 2022
- Send your question(s) to the speaker(s)
- Code of Conduct
- Instructions to connect
- Zenodo
Books of Proceedings

Events for Early Career Scientists
We are happy to promote on these pages other initiatives that, in line with the the sprit of the Hypatia Colloquium, aim at offering to early carrer astronomers the opportunity to share their research. If you are the (co)-organizer or aware of a similar event, please feel free to contact us at esohc (at) eso.org
- ECR Astronomers in Australia Seminar Serie - A seminar series organised by the ASTRO 3D International Seminars Committee, featuring the best and brightest PhD students and post-docs. Click here for more info and the schedule.