La Silla Observing School (2024)

Santiago and La Silla Observatory, Chile, February 12 - 23, 2024
ESO is happy to announce the next La Silla Observing School, which will be held at the ESO premises in Santiago de Chile and at the La Silla Observatory, from February 12th to February 23rd.
During two weeks of intense work the participants will have a hands-on real-life experience on the full cycle from observation planning, observing with professional 2-4 meter telescopes and the data reduction & analysis afterwards. All this will be done with the help of experienced tutors.
The school is primarily meant for PhD students in Astronomy, but is also open to MSc students in their last year of their studies.
The school will be free for the students, and ESO will cover lodging in Santiago and at La Silla plus the travel from Santiago to La Silla and back. The students, however, are expected to pay for their travel to Santiago as well as for dinner during their stay in Santiago. We ask potential applicants to clarify the funding situation with their supervisors before applying to the school. ESO has a very limited budget for the organization of the school, thus financial support (up to a few hundred EUR) may be offered in exceptional and well-justified cases only. Requests for financial support will be collected at the registration.
How to apply:
The application deadline for the School was on October 30th, 2023, and the applicants have been informed about the selection.
As we usually receive many applications for the La Silla Observing School, it is very important that the applicants motivate their application well and also have a recommendation letter sent (preferrably in pdf-format) by their advisor to, indicating clearly the family name of the applicant. Applications without a reference letter will not be considered.
Important dates:
- Registration deadline: October 30th, 2023, at 18:00 Chile time
- Announcement of selected students: November 15th, 2023
- Arrival to Chile: February 11th, 2024, at the latest.
LOC: F. Rodler, P. Jirón, L. Kiefer & the La Silla Logistics Team
Write to us in case of questions:
Organizer: ESO
Quick links
ESO acknowledges the support from the MPIA for giving three nights of the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope time to the summer school.