4 - 8 AUGUST 2025



There is no science without communication and no successful scientists without good writing and presentation skills. You can do the best science that exists, if you don’t write papers about it – papers that get cited! – and if you don’t give presentations that impress people, your science will likely be ignored. Moreover, if you do not write convincing proposals that appeal to non-specialists, you won’t get observing time, nor the coveted post-doc position and certainly not the very competitive but needed grants to fund your research. Finally, as a scientist, it is your duty and privilege to communicate your science to the general public, policy makers and the media, and like all the rest, this is something that needs to be learned.

As all the other aspects of your research, these are skills that one can learn - there is no magic here! ESO is therefore organising a summer school on how to write and communicate your science. 

The one week-long course will allow you to learn how to get your message across in the various supports you need to use as a scientist. At the end of the week, you will be able to write more easily convincing papers and give stunning presentations. You will also learn how to deal with various publics.

Kindly note that because of the very interactive nature of the school, it is only held in person.