ESO Reflex - release notes

The ESO Recipe Flexible Execution Workbench

Release notes

Reflex version 1.1 Beta (rc1) Release Notes

  • New features (since version 1.0 beta rc2)

    • PyRAF processor added in available services
    • Alternative bypass skipping added
    • List inputs available for processor inputs
    • Interactive tools upgraded to handle FORS LSS mode
    • New workflows added
    • Reflex launch script modified to handle available recipes through esorex
    • Python, PyRAF and IDL scavangers are built dynamically in available services.
    • Graphical view polished
  • New features (since version 1.0 beta rc1)

    • Several bug fixes
  • New features (since version 0.9.4)

    • Support for Mac OSX
    • New Interactive FORS Skyline tool
    • Installation script improved to handle Mac OSX Scisoft and JAVA_HOME
  • New features (since version 0.9.3)

    • Skipping mode implemented for Python and IDL processors
    • Several bug fixes
  • New features (since version 0.9.2)

    • Processor-level selectable processing modes: interactive, automatic and skip
    • Interactive mode now has a product validation screen
    • Graphics improved: visual indication of processor modes added, graph layout fixed
    • User-configurable viewers for FITS images and tables
    • User-configurable directories for input data, intermediate products and workflow outputs
    • Workflow inputs can now be loaded automatically from a directory or an SOF-file
    • Processor help screens for Python and IDL processors implemented
    • Numerous minor improvements and bug fixes
  • New features (since version 0.9.1)

    • FORS recipes updated to version FORS kit 1.4 (MOS 1.0.2)
    • Interactive tool updated: single slit window and zoom/move buttons added
    • Gasgano taken out of the installation kit
    • New examples added
    • Recipe info bug (recipe info window was not always displayed) fixed
    • Nested workflow bug (inputs connecting to nested workflows not displayed, introduced in version 0.9.1) fixed
    • FITS trees in outputs screen now expand automatically
    • Tooltip help texts added to many buttons
    • Add/remove buttons in inputs screen now use icons
    • IDL processor updated
    • CPL output viewer now focuses on beginning of the last line rather than ending
  • New features (since version 0.9)

    • Type handling for workflow inputs improved
    • Experimental IDL processor added
    • Processor skipping functionality added for GRI processors
    • A bug in parameter handling of AMBER recipes fixed
    • FORS recipes upgraded to 1.1
    • Easier installation and startup scripts included
    • New plotting script for AMBER selector added
    • Example workflows updated
  • New features (since version 0.9rc1)

    • Workaround for a bug in the dot (Graphviz) application (versions 2.9 and newer) which resulted in faulty SVG and irritating error messages
    • New versions of interactive tools included
    • Tree node selection in view results screen corrected
    • Error messages improved
    • Some unneeded menu items removed from the main menu
    • Lots of smaller bug fixes
  • New features (since version 0.8.2)

    • Generic Recipe Invoker (GRI) included. GRI allows easy inclusion of new CPL recipes in the workflows.
    • Common parameter mechanism included. If a recipe parameter is shared by two or more recipes within a workflow the parameter can be configured using a special common parameter UI.
    • FITS header display added
    • Housekeeping functionality added
    • Compatible with FORS 1.0.1 recipes
    • Compatible with following version 2.3.2 AMBER recipes:
      • amber_SciCal
      • amber_selector
      • amber_p2vm
    • UI improvements
  • New features (since version 0.8.1)

    • Compatible with CPL 3 (CPL 3.0 or later is required)
    • Compatible with following version 2.0.9 AMBER recipes:
      • amber_SciCal
      • amber_selector
      • amber_p2vm
      • amber_ascii_export
    • Updated AMBER workflows included
    • LSID descriptions (whatever they may be) are no longer retrieved from upon startup
    • Known issues:
      • AMBER recipes do not work with EsoRex + Use JNI as the recipe executor (enabled as default, selectable under "General recipe settings")