DRM & DRSP Workshop
26 – 28 May 2009ESO Garching

Tuesday 26th May
Introduction | ||
10:30 | Welcome + Overview of SWG and DRM | Isobel Hook |
11:00 | Status of the E-ELT Project | Roberto Gilmozzi |
11:30 | Design Reference Science Plan | Aybüke Küpcü Yoldaş |
12:00 | Discussion | |
12:30 | Lunch | |
Stars & Planets | ||
14:00 | Imaging extrasolar planets with the E-ELT | Szymon Gładysz |
14:25 | Perspective for the detection of Earth twins in the habitable | Stephane Udry |
zone of solar-type stars with radial velocities | ||
14:50 | Imaging of circumstellar disks | Daniela Villegas |
15:10 | Old planets at white dwarfs with the E-ELT | Matthew Burleigh |
15:35 | Coffee | |
16:00 | Exoplanet science cases proposed by the Spanish | Bruno Femenia |
community | ||
16:15 | Exoplanet studies in the mid-IR with METIS at the E-ELT | Wolfgang Brandner |
16:40 | Neutron star studies in the E-ELT era | Roberto Mignani |
17:10 | Discussion Stars & Planets | |
17:40 | Reception | |
Wednesday 27th May
Galactic Centre and Black Holes | ||
09:00 | The Galactic Center with METIS | Andreas Eckart |
09:25 | Observing SMBH with E-ELT up to redshifts of z~0.3 | Aybüke Küpcü Yoldaş |
09:50 | Precision Astrometry with MICADO | Ric Davies |
10:15 | Discussion Galactic Centre and Black Holes | |
10:45 | Coffee | |
Instrumentation / Observing Techniques | ||
11:15 | From extragalactic planets to distant galaxies with | Piercarlo Bonifacio |
11:40 | High-Time Resolution Astrophysics and the E-ELT | Andy Shearer |
12:05 | HARMONI | Niranjan Thatte |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:00 | The MCAO Module for ELT | Paolo Ciliegi |
14:25 | Observing with Future Instruments: Comprehensive | Paul Bristow |
Simulations | ||
14:50 | METIS | Bernhard Brandl |
15:15 | Spectro-Polarimetry | Dietrich Baade |
15:40 | Coffee | |
16:10 | A general purpose polarimeter for the E-ELT | Thomas Dall |
16:35 | From SAM to SMELT | Andrea Richichi |
17:00 | Discussion on Instrumentation | |
17:30 | End | |
19:00 | Workshop Dinner | |
Thursday 28th May
E-ELT Science
What's New?
- 05 Dec 2014
Spending on first construction phase approved
Science Case
Project Science Team
Phase B (2006 – 2011)
- Science Working Group
- Design Reference Mission
- Design Reference Science Plan
- Tools: Imaging ETC / Spectroscopic ETC / Other software