PST members

In January 2012 ESO invited the astronomical community to nominate candidates for the E-ELT Project Science Team by the end of March 2012. In response to this call more than 80 nominations were received, all of strong candidates. The project was very grateful for the overwhelming response and the great interest of the community in helping to steer the project.

From these nominations the then E-ELT Programme Scientist (Roberto Gilmozzi) and the ESO Director General appointed the first PST members for a renewable term of 3 years. The current PST includes:

Giuseppe Bono (Chair)        Rome
Yann Alibert Bern
Gael Chauvin Grenoble
Natascha Forster-Schreiber MPE Garching
Tom Herbst MPIA Heidelberg
Isobel Hook Lancaster
Christoph Keller Leiden
Oleg Kochukhov Uppsala
Carlos Martins CAUP, Porto
Norbert Przybilla Innsbruck
Roberto Ragazzoni Padova Observatory
Agustin Sanchez Lavega Bilbao

Subsequently, the PST was joined by the following Principal Investigators of approved E-ELT instrument projects:
Ric Davies (MICADO PI)        MPE Garching
Niranjan Thatte (HARMONI PI) Oxford
Bernhard Brandl (METIS PI) Leiden/Delft
Paolo Ciliegi (MAORY PI) INAF Bologna

In addition to the above the E-ELT Programme Scientist (Michele Cirasuolo) and the E-ELT Instrument Scientist (Suzanne Ramsay) are ex-officio members. In the future the PST will be joined by the Principal Investigators of further approved E-ELT instrument projects.

Former PST members include: Jordi Cepa (La Laguna and IAC, Tenerife), Thérèse Encrenaz (Paris Observatory), Roland Gredel (MPIA Heidelberg), Rubina Kotak (Belfast), Ewa Lokas (Warsaw), and Didier Queloz (Cambridge).