DRM & DRSP Workshop
26 – 28 May 2009ESO Garching

Second Announcement
22 Jan 2009
Plans are well underway for the 2009 Workshop on the Design Reference Mission and Science Plan for the European ELT, to be held at ESO Garching on 26–28 May 2009. This 2nd announcement is a reminder about the registration and hotel booking deadline (16 Feb 2009).
For more information please see:
Please register online at:
Registration is free of charge.
The registration deadline is 16 Feb 2009.
Financial support
This workshop is being held as part of the EC FP7 "ELT Preparatory Phase" program. Hence there is travel funding available for participants from within Europe. If you wish to apply for travel support please complete the relevant section of the registration form. Note that in this case your travel arrangements need to be made by ESO, so please contact us with your intended travel times.
We have a block of hotel rooms reserved in Garching at:
Hotel König Ludwig II
Bürgerplatz 3
85748 Garching
Tel: +49 89 320 50 46
If you wish to book one of these rooms please contact the hotel
directly, quoting the reference 'DRM'. Note that the rooms are only
held until 16 Feb. We will definitely have to release the rooms after
that date so please make your reservations as quickly as possible (if
you haven't already done so). The rate is 79-89 Euro per night,
including breakfast. If you wish to use a different hotel you may want
to have a look at this list of hotels in Garching:
Workshop dinner
All participants will be invited to attend the workshop dinner in Garching on Wed, 27 May.
Hoping to see many of you in Garching,
Isobel Hook
Joe Liske
Markus Kissler-Patig
P.S.: Please also note that the DRM & DRSP workshop will be immediately followed by another small, one-day workshop on "Imaging at the E-ELT" on 29 May 2009, organized by the FP7 network on wide-field imaging at the E-ELT. The aim is to bring together members of the community currently working on wide field imagers on 6-8 meter class telescopes and on topics related to imaging at the ELT. If you are interested in this please contact Magda Arnaboldi ( for further information.
E-ELT Science
What's New?
- 05 Dec 2014
Spending on first construction phase approved
Science Case
Project Science Team
Phase B (2006 – 2011)
- Science Working Group
- Design Reference Mission
- Design Reference Science Plan
- Tools: Imaging ETC / Spectroscopic ETC / Other software