Messenger No. 31 (March 1983)

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Latest News about the European Coordinating Facility for the Space Telescope

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D. Enard, G. Lund
Fiber Optics at ESO - Part One - Coupling of the CES with the 3.6-M Telescope Using a 40-M Fiber Link

ADS BibCode:
Enard, D.; Lund, G.
During an experimental run made in November 1982, two entirely different and independent fiber optic systems were tested at the 3.6 m teleseope. In the present article, a deseription is given of the first, which eonsisted essentially of an optieaI fiber link between the 3.6 mprime foeus and the CES input slit. In the next issue of the Messenger, the multipleobjeet fiber-speetroseopy system will be deseribed.
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Tentative time-table of council Sessions and Committee Meetings in 1983

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P. A. Shaver, K.D.
ESO Workshop on "Primordial Helium"

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Shaver, P. A.; K.D.
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P. O. Lindblad, S. Joersaeter et al.
The galaxy NGC 1365

ADS BibCode:
Lindblad, P. O.; Joersaeter, S.; Sandqvist, A.
AA(Stockholms Observatorium, Saltsjobaden, Sweden), AB(Stockholms Observatorium, Saltsjobaden, Sweden), AC(Stockholms Observatorium, Saltsjobaden, Sweden)
The barred galaxy NGC 1365 was chosen for study with the European Southern Observatory's 3.6 m telescope because its orientation is ideal for kinematic investigations, its structure is rich in interstellar matter, and earlier observations have indicated that the strong emission line spectrum from the nuclear region might be due to violet noncircular motions. The nuclear region of NGC 1365 is penetrated by a strong dust lane and contains a number of hot spots and H II regions situated along the nearer arm of a small nuclear spiral. Attention is given to spectrographic measurements of the velocity field outside the nuclear region, together with VLA observations of the galaxy which show no radio emission from the bar and the spiral arms but yield interesting results for the nuclear region.
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P. Bouchet, M. Querci et al.
Active chromosphere in the carbon star TW Horologium

ADS BibCode:
Bouchet, P.; Querci, M.; Querci, F.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AB(Pic-du-Midi, et Toulouse, Observatoires, Bagneres-de-Bigorre, Hautes-Pyrenees, France), AC(Pic-du-Midi, et Toulouse, Observatoires, Bagneres-de-Bigorre, Hautes-Pyrenees, France)
Chromospheric variable activity is for the first time reported in a cool, low gravity star of the carbon class, TW Hor. It is noted that the outer layers of TW Hor consist of a photosphere, a warm chromosphere, and a circumstellar shell, representing a situation similar to that seen in M giants of late type, but with different temperatures. This scenario may be extended to other carbon stars. The relatively high UV luminosity of TW Hor allowed the detection of features that may also be present in stars which are fainter in the UV. A conspicuous feature is the strong UV absorption underlined by the theoretical flux curves of carbon stars, by contrast to the M stars, offering the strongest proof to date of the presence of dust grains absorbing in the UV spectral range in C stars.
Bergeat, J., Sibille, F., Lunel, M., LefEwre, J., 1976a, Astron. Astrophys.
Bergeat, J., Lunel, M., Sibille, F., Lefevre, J., 1976 b, Astron. Astrophys.
Bergeat, J., Sibille, F., Lunel, M., 1978, Astron. Astrophys. 64, 423.
Bidelman, W. P., Pyper, D. M., 1963, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacitic. 75,
Boesgaard, A. M., Boesgaard, H., 1976, Astrophys. J. 205, 44.
Bouchet, P., 1983, The Messenger, same issue.
Goebel, J. H., Bregman, J. D., Goorvitch, D., Strecker, D. W., Pueller,
R.C., Russel, R.W., Soifer, B.T., Willner, S.P., Forrest, W.J.,
Houck, J. R., McCarthy, J. F., 1980, Astrophys. J. 235, 104.
Hagen, W., Simon, T., Dyck, H. M., 1975, Astrophys. J. 201, L81.
Herzberg, G., 1948, Astrophys. J. 107,94.
Hili, S.J., Willson, L.A., 1979, Astrophys. J. 229, 1029.
Johnson, H. R., O'Brien, G. T., 1982, preprint.
Kafatos, M., Michalitsianos, A. G., 1979, Astrophys. J. 228, L115.
Linsky, J. L., 1980, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 18, 439.
Querci, M., Querci, F., 1976, Astron. Astrophys. 49,443.
Querci, F., Querci, M., Wing, R. F., Cassatella, A. and Heck, A., 1982,
Astron. Astrophys. 111, 120.
Robinson, R.D., Durney, B.R., 1982, Astron. Astrophys. 108,322.
Schmitz, F., Ulmschneider, P., 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 84, 191.
Tinbergen, J., Zwaan, C., 1981, Astron. Astrophys. 101, 223.
Tsuji, T., 1981, J. Astrophys. Astr. 2,95.
1976, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 28, 567.
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H. J. Schober
136 Austria - Observed at ESO

ADS BibCode:
Schober, H. J.
AA(Institute tor Astronomy, Graz, Austria)
As an Austrian, I am happy to inform the ESO Messenger readers about photoelectric observations of the asteroid 136 Austria carried out successfully at ESO in February 1981 and just being published in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
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Visiting Astronomers (April 1 - October 1, 1983)

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S. Balon
Mechanics and the Stars

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Balon, S.
The ESO engineering workshop has recently acquired a universal "Tool Room Milling and Boring Machine" with computer control or, in more technical terms, "Continuous Path Control"
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J. Isserstedt
Star formation and interstellar matter in the Large Magellanic Cloud

ADS BibCode:
Isserstedt, J.
AA(Wuerzburg, Universitaet, Wuerzburg, West Germany)
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is rich in young stars and interstellar matter, facilitating the determination of galactic star formation histories through the study of star distributions as a function of star age and the comparison of the distributions with those of interstellar matter. Measurements in the UBV available for some 1600 LMC members. Interstellar reddenings were derived from the positions of the stars in the two-color diagram. Star ages are derived by comparison with the evolutionary calculations of Maeder (1981). Data on supergiants are combined with that on Cepheids available in the literature to produce a small computer film displaying the distribution of stars as a function of age.
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List of Preprints Published at ESO Scientific Group

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F. Rufener
The Telescope of Geneva Observatory and the Development of Geneva Photometry at La-Silla

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Rufener, F.
AA(Geneva Observatory)
When Geneva Observatory set up its observing station at La Silla (Chile), the main objective was to extend its 7-colour photometrie system to the southern hemisphere. Indeed, several programmes necessitated the covering of the whole celestial sphere.
Bumet, M. (1976) Thesis 235, Ecole polytechnique federale de
Lausanne. Etude et realisation d'un photometre differentiel commande
par ordinateur.
Bumet, M., and Rufener, F. (1979) Astronomy andAstrophysics74, 54.
Cramer, N., and Maeder, A. (1980) Astronomy and Astrophysies 88,
Golay, M. (1980) Vistas in Astronomy, 24, 141.
Grenon, M., and Rulener, F. (1981) Astronomy and Astrophysies
Suppl. 46, 25,
Nicolet, B. (1981) Astronomy and Astrophysies 104, 185.
Rufener, F. (1976) The Messenger, 6.
Rufener, F. (1981) Astronomy and Astrophysies Suppl. 45, 207.
Waelkens, C.; Rulener, F. (1983) Astronomy and Astrophysies, in
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C. T. Hua, R. Louise
Morphological and physical study of planetary nebulae

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Hua, C. T.; Louise, R.
AA(CNRS, Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille, France), AB(Picardie, Universite, Amiens; Marseille, Observatoire, Marseille, France)
The photographic and spectrophotometric observations in order to carry out the 'Monochromatic Atlas of Planetary Nebulae' are described. These observations are made in both hemispheres by using classical plates as well as modern receivers (IDS, Multiphot and Photon-Counting System). Preliminary results are presented.
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J. Andersen, B. Nordstrom
The Bright Star Catalogue Complete in Radial Velocities

ADS BibCode:
Andersen, J.; Nordstrom, B.
AA(Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark) AB(Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark)
In many investigations, it is desirable to have certain observational data available for all stars of a given group, all over the sky, but - alas - reality is often far from this ideal. If you are an observing stellar astronomer, you have probably heard the reproach that "even in the Bright Star Catalogue, there are still xx stars without ...", and it is true that even for the 9,000 brightest stars many basic data are still missing.
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P. Bouchet
Envelopes around Carbon Stars - First Spectrophotometric Observations with the New Infrared Photometer at the 1-M Telescope

ADS BibCode:
Bouchet, P.
The new infrared photometer was installed and checked at the 1 m telescope for the first time in June 1982. However, the software facilities being not fully operational, it was then impossible to test it on astronomical observations. The first successful observations with this system were carried out in December 1982. Despite poor weather conditions, some interesting results could be obtained in the spectrophotometry mode, which make this new facility very attractive and worthwhile to be reported as an example of what can be achieved.
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R. Foy
Chemical Composition in the Small Magellanic Cloud

ADS BibCode:
Foy, R.
AA(Observatoire de Calern)
The Magellanic Clouds are the two nearest galaxies; the well-known great Andromeda Nebula M31 is about ten times farther away than the clouds. They are much smaller than M31, but their nearness justifies the large amount of observations devoted to them, particularly at La Silla. They provide us the best suitable tests at least for two fields of theoretical astronomy.
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K. Banse, P. Crane et al.
MIDAS - ESO's new image processing system

ADS BibCode:
Banse, K.; Crane, P.; Grosbol, P.; Middleburg, F.; Ounnas, C.; Ponz, D.; Waldthausen, H.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AB(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AC(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AD(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AE(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AF(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany), AG(European Southern Observatory, Munich, West Germany)
The Munich Image Data Analysis System (MIDAS) is an image processing system whose heart is a pair of VAX 11/780 computers linked together via DECnet. One of these computers, VAX-A, is equipped with 3.5 Mbytes of memory, 1.2 Gbytes of disk storage, and two tape drives with 800/1600 bpi density. The other computer, VAX-B, has 4.0 Mbytes of memory, 688 Mbytes of disk storage, and one tape drive with 1600/6250 bpi density. MIDAS is a command-driven system geared toward the interactive user. The type and number of parameters in a command depends on the unique parameter invoked. MIDAS is a highly modular system that provides building blocks for the undertaking of more sophisticated applications. Presently, 175 commands are available. These include the modification of the color-lookup table interactively, to enhance various image features, and the interactive extraction of subimages.
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P. A. Shaver, J. G. Robertson
Absorption-line spectroscopy of close paris of QSOs

ADS BibCode:
Shaver, P. A.; Robertson, J. G.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AB(Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping, New South Wales, Australia)
The presently discussed program of absorption line spectroscopy for close QSO pairs has yielded useful data on eight such pairs, which, combined with data on a further four pairs from the literature, offers information on 20 heavy element absorption systems for which common absorption could be detected and 11 QSO pairs in which associated absorption is detectable. The higher incidence of associated absorption, by comparison with common absorption, suggests that the absorption cross section may be enhanced in the vicinity of QSOs. This is plausible, in light of the QSO UV flux domination of the megagalactic flux over a radius comparable with that of a cluster of galaxies. The discovery of associated absorption in close QSO pairs facilitates a new test of the cosmological interpretation of QSO redshifts.
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Algunos Resumenes

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Personnel Movements

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