List of Participants

Ábrahám, PeterKonkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Alibert, YannUniversity of Bern and Observatoire de Besançon
Andrews, SeanHarvard-Smithsonian CfA
Antoniucci, SimoneINAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Aresu, GiambattistaKapteyn Institute
Armitage, PhilipUniversity of Colorado
Audard, MarcISDC & Observatoire de Genève
Baldovin-Saavedra, CarlaISDC/Observatoire de Genève
Banzatti, AndreaETH Zurich
Baruteau, ClémentUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
Benistry, MyriamOsservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
Berger, Jean-PhilippeLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
Birnstiel, TilmanMPIA
Bitner, MartinSpace Telescope Science Institute
Boehler,YannLAB - OASU
Bourke, TylerHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Bouvier, JerômeLAOG
Brassfield, ErinSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Brittain, SeanClemson University
Brown, JoannaMPE
Carmona Gonzalez, AndresISDC-Geneva Observatory
Chaparro, GermanRijksunversiteit Groningen
Chapillion, EdwigeMPIfR
Chavero, CarolinaObservatório Nacional
Chen, ChristineSpace Telescope Science Institute
Churchwell, EdUniversity of Winsconsin
Comerón, FernandoESO
Corder, Stuartt A.Joint ALMA Observatory, NRAO
Covey, KevinCornell University
Crespe, ElisabethCentre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Cuadra, JorgeMPA
Currie, ThayneHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Daemgen, SebastianESO
Davidson, James W.The University of Toledo
Debes, John H.NASA/Goddard
Deen, Casey P.University of Texas at Austin
de Gregorio-Monsalvo, ItziarESO
Dent, BillALMA
Döllinger, Michaela PetronillaESO
Duchêne, GaspardUC Berkeley
Dullemond, CornelisMPIA
Eiroa, CarlosUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ercolano, BarbaraIoA (Cambridge)
Fang, MinMPIA
Favata, FabioESA
Fedele, DavideMPIA & UAM
Fernández, MatildeIAA-CSIC
Fogel, Jeffrey K. J.University of Michigan
Fouchet, LaureUniversity of Bern
Fukagawa, MisatoOsaka University
Furlan, EliseJPL, Caltech
Gaidos, EricUniversity of Hawaii
Garcia, Paulo J. V.Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
Glauser, Adrian M.UK Astronomy Technology Centre / ETH Zurich
Goddi, CiriacoESO
Gomes, NunoESO/CAUP
Gonzalez, Jean-FrançoisCentre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Gorti, UmaSETI / NASA Ames
Goto, MiwaMPIA
Greaves, JaneUniversity of St Andrews
Green, Joel D.University of Texas
Gregory, Scott G.University of Exeter
Grellmann, RebekkaUniversitätssternwarte München
Grinin, Vladimir P.Main (Pulkovo) astronomical observatory
Groh, Jose H.Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy
Guedel, ManuelETH Zurich
Hales, AntonioJoint ALMA Observatory, NRAO
Heinzeller, DominikusKyoto University
Hennebelle, PatrickObservatoire de Paris / École normale supérieure
Henning, ThomasMPI for Astronomy
Herczeg, GregoryMPE
Hogerheijde, MichielLeiden
Hughes, A. MeredithHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Hummel, ChristianESO
Inutsuka, Shu-IchiroNagoya University
Isella, AndreaCaltech
Jayawardhana, RayUniversity of Toronto
Jørgensen, JesUniversity of Bonn
Juhász, AttilaMax-Planck-Institute for Astronomy
Kalas, PaulUniversity of California, Berkeley
Kamp, IngaKapteyn Astronomical Institute
Käufl, Hans UlrichESO
Karska, AgataMPE
Klaassen, PamelaESO
Knacke, RogerPenn State University
Kobayashi, HiroshiAstrophysical Institute and University Observatory, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Kóspál, AgnesLeiden Observatory, Leiden University
Kraus, AdamUniversity of Hawaii
Kraus, StefanMax-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy
Kreplin, AlexanderMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Lahuis, FredSRON / Leiden University
Lebreton, JeremyLAOG
Lisse, CareyJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Lodato, GiuseppeUniversity of Leicester
Löhne, TorstenAIU Jena
Looney, Leslie W.University of Illinois
Mandell, Avi M.NASA GSFC
Maness, Holly L.University of California at Berkeley
Maury, AnaelleSAp / CEA, Saclay
Meijerink, RowinCaltech
Melo, ClaudioESO
Ménard, FrançoisLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
Mendigutía, IgnacioCentro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC)
Merín, BrunoESA
Meyer, MichaelETH
Moerchen, MargaretESO
Mohanty, SubhanjoyImperial College London
Monroe, TalaWandaIndiana University
Montesinos, BenjaminLAEX-CAB (INTA-CSIC)
Mordasini, ChristophMPIA
Mulders, Gijs D.Anton Pannekoek Instituut (API)
Natta, AntonellaOsservatorio di Arcetri
Nero, DavidUniversity of Toledo
Neuhäuser, RalphAIU Jena
Nomura, HidekoKyoto University
Nürnberger, DieterESO Santiago + Paranal
Oliveira, IsaLeiden Observatory
Owen, James E.University of Cambridge
Panić, OljaLeiden University/ESO
Pascucci, IlariaSpace Telescope Science Institute & JHU
Petr-Gotzens, Monika G.ESO
Pilbratt, GöranESA
Pinte, ChristopheUniversity of Exeter
Pott, Jorg-UweMPIA, Heidelberg
Preibisch, ThomasUniversitäts-Sternwarte München
Ratzka, ThorstenUniversitäts-Sternwarte München
Reiners, AnsgarGeorg-August-Universität
Renard, StéphanieLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
Rettig, TerrenceUniversity of Notre Dame
Ricci, LucaESO
Rigliaco, ElisabettaOsservatorio Astofisico di Arcetri
Roberge, AkiNASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Roccatagliata, VeronicaMax Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPIA)
Salter, DemereseLeiden Observatory
Salyk, ColetteUniversity of Texas, Austin
Sarro, LuisUNED
Sauter, JuergenUniversity of Kiel
Sicilia-Aguilar, AuroraMax-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
Siebenmorgen, RalphESO
Skinner,Stephan L.University of Colorado
Smith, Rachel L.University of California Los Angeles
Spezzi, LoredanaEuropean Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC)
Stapelfeldt, KarlJPL / Caltech
Takagi, YuheiKobe University
Tambovtseva, Larisa V.Main (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory
Teixeira, Paula StellaESO Garching
Testi, LeonardoESO
Thi, Wing-FaiInstitute for astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Troutman, MatthewClemsen University
van Boekel, RoyMPIA
van den Ancker, MarioESO Garching
van der Plas, GerritAnton Pannekoek Instituut
van Dishoeck, EwineLeiden Observatory/MPE
Verhoeff, Arjan P.Astronomical Institute, "Anton Pannekoek"
Vernazza, PierreEuropean Space Agency (ESTEC)
Visser, RuudLeiden Observatory
Vural, JasminMax-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Waters, RensAstronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek"
Weigelt, GerdMPI for Radio Astronomy
Williams, Jonathan P.University of Hawaii
Winston, ElaineUniversity of Exeter
Woitke, PeterUK ATC Edinburgh
Wright, Christopher M.UNSW@ADFA
Wyatt, MarkInstitute of Astronomy
Yorke, HaroldJPL/Caltech
Zakhozhay, Olga V.Main Astronomical NAS of Ukraine
Zsom, AndrasMax Planck Institut für Astronomie