Second Announcement

                       SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT

STEEL: International PhD School on Science and Technology with the E-ELT
Erice (Sicily, Italy) October 8-20, 2015

School web pages:

The registration to the School is going to be closed in roughly two weeks.
The list of the Lecturers attending the School has been fixed and you can find
more details on the above web page. In the following, you will find information
concerning the logistics, the grants and the short talks by the participants.


The final registration deadline for the school is 31st July.

For those who have pre-registered there is no need to register again,
however, please contact if you no longer plan to attend the

The contribution from participants to cover the cost for the entire school is 600euros.
This includes:

a) pick up from and to the airport and/or the train stations of Palermo and Trapani;
b) coffee and tea break;
c) welcome reception;
d) lunch and dinner in local contracted restaurants (no drinks);
e) lodging either in the guest house of the school on in local contracted hotels.
f) social dinner;
g) social excursion and other social activities.

Typically the rooms are either double or triple and the participants are strongly
encouraged to find their room-mates. We suggest that the participants stay
for the entire duration of the school. For those participants who plan to stay for
half (six nights) or shorter periods, the cost of the school is 500 euros.
Further details concerning the hotel reservation, and the payment of the school costs will be given in the third announcement (second-half of August).


A number of grants will be available to partially cover the school cost.
They will be assigned on the basis of curriculum, gender, motivation and
presentation of a short talk. Successful applicants will be notified
by the second half of August.


Participants are encouraged to present a short talk (7+3 min) either
on the topic of their Master/PhD thesis or on their recent scientific


The final program of the School, together with practical information
concerning the logistics will be circulated before the middle of September.

Please feel free to contact us at the e-mail address: