Science and Technology with E-ELT
Erice, Sicily, 8-20 October, 2015
International PhD School "F. Lucchin": Science and Technology with E-ELT
XIV Cycle II Course
The global astronomical community is vigorously engaged in developing three optical infrared telescopes that will address ambitious science cases beyond the reach of the current generation of 8-10m ground-based telescopes. These extremely large telescopes are the Thirty Meter Telescope, the Giant Magellan telescope and the European Extremely Large Telescope. All three have fully developed plans for their instrumentation and adaptive optics capabilities.
As the European E-ELT and its instruments move into the construction phase, it is timely to re-examine the science cases in detail and to train the astronomers that will use these facilities in the techniques that will be used with these instruments. The summer school "Science and Technology with E-ELT" will provide a comprehensive training in both science and the technologies used to deliver astronomical results.
The scientific lectures will cover the full range of E-ELT science cases from diffraction limited monitoring of solar system objects to the expansion of the Universe via exoplanets and stellar population studies. "Hands on" sessions will be offered in techniques including crowded-region photometry to the analysis of integral field spectroscopic data and simulations of observations with adaptive optics systems.
The school will take place at Erice, Sicily from the 8th to the 20th October 2015.
The school is open to postgraduate and masters students and early career postdoctoral researchers. Places are available for around 80-100 participants.
Please contact with any questions.

