HIRES 2014: "Astronomy at high angular resolution – a cross-disciplinary approach"

Invited Speakers

Name Topic
J. Milli
Adaptive optics
S. Quanz Adaptive optics of planets & disks
S. Hoenig AGN interferometry
M. Bentz AGN reverberation mapping
S. Gillesen AO observations of the Galactic Centre
M. Ireland Aperture masking imaging
A. Cameron Astrotomography of planets
P. Hadrava Disentangling of stellar spectra
O. Kochukhov Doppler and Magnetic Imaging of Stellar Surfaces
T. Marsh Doppler Tomography
A. Schwope Doppler Tomography of Polars
J. Morin
(Zeeman) Doppler Imaging of cool stars and brown dwarfs
R. Baptista Eclipse Mapping
S. Ramsay ESO instrumentation
J.-B LeBouquin
W. Brandner Lucky Imaging
C. Watson Roche tomography
K. Pontoppidan Spectro-astrometry
F. Baron Stellar surfaces with interferometry
S. Potter Stokes Imaging
K. Horne Summary