Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars

Santiago, Chile, November 5-9, 2012


Goal of this Workshop

Blue straggler stars are stellar oddities that have been found in a wide variety of environments: open clusters, globular clusters, OB associations, dwarf spheroidal galaxies, and even in the field. Despite being known since the 1950s a coherent picture is not yet available.

This workshop – the first devoted to these unique objects – aims at bringing together theoreticians and observers in order to compose a complete picture of the progress in the field. It will also bring together specialists of binaries and multiple systems, of stellar evolution and stellar populations, as well as of the dynamics of clusters.

The workshop, spread over a week and held at the ESO-Chile headquarters in Santiago, will consist of extended invited reviews, with ample time for contributing talks, and space for posters. Our conference room holds about 100 people.


Conference e-mail:

Organiser: ESO


Final Announcement

