
ESO / ECF / STScI Workshop on
Deep Fields

European Southern Observatory, Garching bei München, Germany

Monday, 9 October - Thursday, 12 October, 2000

Physik Department, Technical University, Garching

In recent years technological advances have dramatically increased the power of looking deep into the Universe over wider and wider fields and wavelength domains. At the same time a detailed theoretical insight has been developed into the physical processes governing the formation and evolution of galactic structures as well as a remarkable capability of simulating existing and planned surveys.

The aim of the workshop is to create a focused debate on the astrophysical impact of the observations of DEEP FIELDS for the following general topics:

  • High-z Galaxies (Lyman-break, Ellipticals, EROs ...)
  • Large Scale Structure
  • Clusters of Galaxies
  • AGNs
  • Absorbers
  • Deep Fields and Backgrounds
  • Stellar and Substellar Objects

The workshop is meant to focus especially (but not exclusively!) on Deep Fields in the Southern Sky, following the observations of the Hubble Deep Field South, the beginning of the VLT operations, the planned deep X-ray observations of the "AXAF Field" with Chandra and XMM, as well as the many other deep fields observed in the far infrared and radio.

Invited Speakers

R. Bender (Sternwarte München)
J. Bergeron (ESO Garching)
A. Blain (IoA Cambridge)
H. Boehnhardt (ESO Chile)
S. Borgani (INFN Trieste)
B. Boyle (AAO Epping)
M. Capaccioli (Oss. di Napoli)
N. Christlieb (Sternwarte Hamburg)
A. Cimatti (Oss. di Arcetri)
J. Cohen (CalTech Pasadena)
F. Comeron (ESO Garching)
S. D'Odorico (ESO Garching)
L. Da Costa (ESO Garching)
M. Davis (Univ. California at Berkeley)
P. De Bernardis (Univ. Rome I)
M. Dennefeld (IAP Paris)
M. Dickinson (STScI)
D. Elbaz (Univ. California at Santa Cruz)
X. Fan (Princeton)
H. Ferguson (STScI)
A. Fontana (Oss. di Roma)
M. Franx (Leiden)
R. Giacconi (AUI Washington)
M. Giavalisco (STScI)
K. Gorski (ESO Garching)
O. Hainaut (ESO Chile)
G. Hasinger (AIP Potsdam)
D. Helfand (Columbia Univ.)
K. Kuijken (Groningen)
F. La Franca (Univ. Rome III)
O. LeFevre (LAS Marseille)
P. Madau (STScI)
K. Meisenheimer (MPI Heidelberg)
Y. Mellier (IAP Paris)
R. Norris (ATNF, Epping)
J. Peacock (ROE Edinburgh)
M. Pettini (IoA Cambridge)
J.-L. Puget (ENS Paris)
M. Rieke (Arizona Univ.)
P. Rosati (ESO Garching)
R. Scholz (AIP Potsdam)
W. Sutherland (Oxford Univ.)
P. van Dokkum (CalTech Pasadena)
N. Vogt (IoA Cambridge)
S. White (MPIA Garching)
A. Wolfe (Univ. California at San Diego)

Scientific Organizing Committee

Appenzeller (MPIA), Beckwith (STScI), Boyle (AAO), Cristiani (ECF, co-chair), Dennefeld (IAP), Giacconi (AUI), Mendez (CTIO), Pettini (IOA), Puget (IAS), Renzini (ESO), Williams (STScI, co-chair)

Local Organizing Committee

S. Arnouts (ESO), P. Bristow (ESO), B. Sjöberg (ST-ECF), C. Stoffer (ESO)

Local and Practical information

List of Participants

Preliminary Programme    –    REVISED

List of Poster Papers

The information contained in these web pages is regularly updated. Please check the date of the last update at the bottom of this page. In case you have a question, please contact us: <hdfs2000@eso.org>

The following list provides links to the registration and accommodation forms:

  • Retrieve the Registration Form
  • Retrieve the Accommodation Form


You should by now have received a confirmation ot your hotel reservation. Please consult our workshop "Local and Practical Information" page for more information about Garching and Ismaning. You can also consult the ESO "Travel and Local Information" page for this type of information.

European Southern Observatory
  Tel: (+49 89) 3200-6291
Stefano Cristiani   Fax: (+49 89) 3200-6480
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2      
D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany   Email: hdfs2000@eso.org