On-line Tools


The main meeting software will be normal Zoom meetings, we will send the actual link closer to the meeting, along with more detailed guidelines. x We are up to 250 (!) people, so please make sure to follow the etiquette regarding muting, etc. x It is ok for you to have your video on. In fact, it would be nice for the speaker to see some interested faces, as giving a presentation is a little less awkward then. x You can raise your hand on zoom for the Q&A question, and, if you are selected by the chair to ask your questions, please switch on video and ask your question.

Since we're a big workshop (>250 people), we kindly ask you to add your full name to your slack and zoom profiles, followed by one the following keyword in parenthesis if applicable:
(SOC) - Scientific Organizing Committee
(LOC) - Local Organizing Committee
(PRO) - Professional / Academic
(PD) - Postdoc
(ST) - Student

- Zoom : contact point Ana Ines Ennis AnaInes.Ennis@eso.org


Gather.Town requires everybody to have a login, so please create one before the meeting and try it out how it works. Please see these instructions if you would like to know more details about the virtual social platform gather.town. We will use Gather.Town to host out poster sessions here.

Upon login in Gather.Town, an avatar of yourself will appear on a twodimensional map. You can move your avatar with the cursor keys. When you come close to other people, a video connection is established. We will have several rooms, both for general interaction and dedicated poster rooms. There will be multiple areas established as private rooms (usually indicated by tables), in which you can have private interactions without anybody walking by can overhear you. When in the poster rooms and in proximity of a poster, press x to view the poster. Next to the poster, there will also be a brief introduction video that you can view by walking up to it (it gets a yellow outline) and pressing x

Note that there are two chats in Gather.Town: to chat only with people in your proximity or with everyone who is logged in (use with caution). The chats are non-persistent, i.e. when you log off, all your chat messages are deleted.

We will send the link to the meeting room closer to the meeting. The space will be available throughout the meeting time (and somewhat after that), so feel free to pop in and read the posters outside the poster session time slots.

The poster sessions are mandatory during the meeting, so please make an effort to join them. They are critical person-person interactions and particularly useful for junior scientists.

For best results we recommend using Chrome or Firefox on a computer running Linux, MacOS or Windows to connect to Gather.Town. Also please note that on certain systems Zoom and Gather.Town cannot access your camera and microphone at the same time, so please remember to switch off your camera and microphone in Zoom before using Gather.Town and vice-versa, if you encounter this issue.

- Gather.town: contact point Boris Hauessler: bhaeussl@eso.org


We will use Slack for Q&A and other forms of discussion & information. Please follow the usual etiquette. You will receive an invite to our Slack space as soon as we have created it. If you have not received it several days before the meeting, please check your spam folder before sending us an email so we can resend the invitation. The chat in Slack is persistent, i.e. messages remain there to be read also when you close the website / app. We recommend using the Slack standalone app rather than the web-based app, for a better (faster) interaction. If you have never used Slack before, we recommend reading the introduction to Slack.

Since we're a big workshop (>250 people), we kindly ask you to add your full name to your slack and zoom profiles, followed by one the following keyword in parenthesis if applicable:
(SOC) - Scientific Organizing Committee
(LOC) - Local Organizing Committee
(PRO) - Professional / Academic
(PD) - Postdoc
(ST) - Student

- Slack: contact points Yara Jaffe yara.jaffe@uv.cl, Aleksandra Solarz Aleksandra.Solarz@eso.org, Romain Thomas rthomas@eso.org


We will use the hashtag #Galspec21 for the Conference. Please feel encouraged to use it and tweet about the meeting if and when you feel your finger twitching.

- Twitter: contact points Chiara Mazzucchelli Chiara.Mazzucchelli@eso.org , and Johanna Hartke jhartke@eso.org


We have a dedicated Youtube channel to host all videos of this meeting, prerecorded and normal talks. Videos will be somewhat edited and uploaded to YouTube within 24h of the talks. There will be no livestreaming to YouTube, however.


Zenodo.org is a file hosting system that we will use to host posters and presentation slides of all presenters who have given us permission to do so. All these with receive a DOI and will hence be citable after the meeting. Zenodo will also directly link to the talks on YouTube where relevant. You can find more information about Zenodo here.

- Zenodo: contact point Leslie Saldias Leslie.Saldias@eso.org