Join the online programme

This workshop will be held fully online using Microsoft Teams. ESO's Workshop Code of Conduct applies at all times you are connected to the ESO UVES 20years Workshop Team.

Special note on GDPR: Due to the way the communication within MS Teams is set-up, the e-mail address and name of each participant will be visible, but restricted to, all other members of the workshop. There is no other possibility to participate online. In case you do not want this, we are sorry, but kindly ask you to withdraw your registration (send an email to the LOC).

You can run MS Teams either directly in your Browser or the app on your computer/tablet/phone -- if you don't have it already you can install it - it is available (for free!) for Linux (not all operating systems though -- RPM and Debian based packages are available), MacOS, Windows, iOS, and Android. As you follow the instructions below you will be presented with an opportunity to install it.

Joining the UVES 20years Workshop Team

As the name of the app says, all action is organized around "Teams" and the team for this workshop is called UVES 20years Workshop.

All registered participants will be added as Guest team members to the ESO UVES 20years Workshop Team by the workshop organizers (this should happen in the week before the workshop starts). Participants will recieve an email (at the email address they specified for registration) from "Microsoft teams <>" with subject "You have been added as a guest to ESO in Microsoft Team". The email contents should look something like the image below:

The "ESO 20123996" id should be the same for everyone. You can simply click on the "Open Microsoft Teams" button, which will open the link in your web browser and from there you can complete the process of registering (if necessary)/signing-in with MS Teams and then joining the ESO UVES 20years Workshop Team. To join the ESO UVES 20years Workshop Team you may need to accept ESO accessing your name, email address and photo as in the image below.

Once you have clicked the Accept button in the above page, after a time you will be presented with a page similar to the following (depending only on platform/OS):

At this stage you can continue in your browser, begin the process to install the app or launch the MS teams App if you already have it installed by clicking on the appropriate button/link.

If you have any trouble during this process, please contact the LOC ASAP.

Supported Browsers

Microsoft teams works best with Chrome and Firefox. Apparently it can be made to work with Safari, but only after changing some security settings and restarting Safari. We therefore recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox.

Basic overview of the Microsoft Teams main window

If you have successfully installed MS Teams, and you were added to the UVES 20years Workshop teamthe main interface should look like this:

Short description of the main components of the MS Teams main window:

  • General channel: Under the UVES 20years Workshop team you will find one subcategory which is called a Channel. The General channel can be used for 'chats' not specifically a question for any on going presentation. Use this channel to ask questions, make suggestions or comments on anything relevant to UVES. Lively discussions are strongly encouraged!
  • Posts tab: Messages can be posted in the right part of the main window. Click the "New conversation" button at the bottom on the window to start a new question/comment/... Click on "Reply" to contribute to an existing discussion. Every participant can post messages here without moderation and everyone can read what has been posted. If you want to start a private conversation with a team member you must use the Chat.
  • Chat: Click on the "Chat" icon on the left-hand side bar in order to start a private conversation with another UVES 20years Workshop team member. Such a conversation can be either by writing, which is the default, but one can also start a video chat or a call. To start a chat one must first click on the pen+paper symbol in the upper right of the chat bar.

You can already start asking questions as soon as you have joined the team, though answers may not be immediate.

How to join the Workshop sessions

The principal way to join the sessions is directly in Teams. Before the sessions start the the sessions appear in the General channel.

Approximately 30mins before the start of the session, the meetings will be "started" by the LOC. When that happens a small camera icon will appear beside the channel name and a "Join" button wuill appear in the session meeting:

Simply click on the Join button and MS Teams will connect you to the session.

You may also be able to join the meeting (once it has been started), by clicking on the link that was included in the email invitation that was sent (note if you were added to the team "late" you may not have recieved the email invitation. Unforunately invitations can not be resent to individuals, just use the first method for connecting above. These Links may have been saved in the events created in your macOS calendar, your Google calendar, your Outlook Calendar or your <some_other_tool> calendar, depending on what system you use and how it is configured.

Session etiquette

When join and participating in the sessions, please observe the following etiquette:

  1. Join with your camera disabled and your microphone off.
  2. To ask question, please type them into the meeting chat -- they will then be asked by the session moderator at the end of the talk, or use the "raise your hand" feature of MS Teams.
  3. Remeber that ESO's Workshop Code of Conduct applies at all times.