The galactic starburst region NGC 3603 (annotated)

The triple stellar system Alpha Centauri (ESO 1-m Schmidt Telescope)

The moment of "first light" for NAOS-CONICA at VLT YEPUN

Working with the VLT data archive

Spiral galaxy NGC 2997 I-Band-0.25 arcsec

ESO and AMOS sign contract for the VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes

ESO and AMOS sign contract for the VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes

Transportation of the M1 cell

Close-up of the azimuthal encoder on UT1

Construction work on the 4th Unit Telescope enclosure

Construction of VLT UT2

El Secretario General de la ONU, António Guterres, visita el Observatorio ALMA

El Presidente de Chile Gabriel Boric y el Director General de ESO Xavier Barcons

ANDES (konstnärlig gestaltning)

First cladding installed on the ELT dome

ESO y ACADE firman convenio de colaboración en diplomacia científica