Site testing at Rockdale Mt.

Aerial view of La Silla Observatory, 1966

Inside the Rondavel

Clouds and observers

Zeekoegat station

Zeekoegat Station

Equipment at Rockdale Mountain

Observing at Rockdale Mountain

Observing at Rockdale Mountain

Rockdale mountain

Merkle and von der Lühe

Living near the Table Mountain

Nando Patat

Joana Ascenso

Dietrich Baade

La Silla visitor centre

Working with oxygen at 5000m

ESO 1.52-metre telescope foundations

Bernard Dumoulin

Gabriel Brammer


Getting hands on

Copying photographic plates

The TP Division on La Silla

Illustration of the hotel at La Silla

Artist’s impression of the expect

Screenshot of ESO virtual tours 360° at ESO Headquarters

Screenshot of ESO virtual tours 360° at the Chajnantor plateau

A Science teacher visits Paranal

ESO workshop: Star Formation across the Milky Way Galaxy

ESO Council at Vitacura

VST survey

The Racing Green Endurance SRZero electric supercar visiting ESO’s VLT

NGC 1365 in the constellation of Fornax

X-shooter at the VLT

The VLTI laboratory at Paranal

Overhead shot of the VISTA camera

Installation of the VISTA camera

Closeup of the VISTA camera entrance window

Installation of the VISTA camera

Getting it just right

VLTI tunnel central area

VLTI lab equipment

VLTI lab

ESO workshop: star formation across the Milky Way galaxy

Installation of the VISTA camera

Looking down the VLTI tunnel

VLTI tunnel

VISTA camera installation

The X-Shooter rig

VLTI lab PRIMA equipment

VLT small coating plant

VLTI lab equipment


VLTI lab PRIMA equipment

VLT small coating plant rear view

ESO Council at Vitacura

VLTI tunnel

VISTA camera installation

Installation of the VISTA Camera

The VISTA camera on the move

Carbon monoxide in a remote galaxy

Orbit of AB Doradus C

Spectrum of quasar HE0450-2958, the Blob and the companion galaxy (FORS/VLT)

Observed velocity variation of mu Arae

Averaged spectrum of old galaxies

Constraining the cosmological parameters

Distribution of exoplanet distances

Spectrum of the distant galaxy MS 1512-cB58 (detail)

Life at Paranal

High-Velocity ejecta in Eta Carinae

Omega Centauri tracking test

The quadruple clover leaf quasar

The central region of globular cluster Messier 4

Fine structure in NGC 6302

The Spectrum of the unusual quasar HE 2347-4342

Spectrum of Crab Pulsar

Halley's multiple dust tail

Imagen promocional visita virtual al Observatorio Paranal

View of the galactic centre

HAWK-I view of the Milky Way’s central region (close-up)

HAWK-I view of the Milky Way’s central region

Wide-field view of the centre of the Milky Way

AI Workshop

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

VLT cleaning device II

ESO engineer

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Working at Paranal

Technical installation at Paranal Observatory

VLT cleaning device

ESO staff at the Supernova

The many hats of Farid Char

Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

Romano Corradi at the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC)
![A dust-bound supermassive black hole [artist's impression]](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/heic0409a.jpg)
A dust-bound supermassive black hole [artist's impression]

Banner (in Spanish) for the Total Solar Eclipse 2019

Average July afternoon fractional cloudiness data

Searching for nearby exo-Earths around cool stars with ExTrA

Cartel promocional de las actividades de INGENIOSAS en Temuco

The motion of Proxima Centauri in 2016, revealing the fingerprints of a planet

ESO Supernova

ESO Supernova mission

ESO Supernova vision

ESO Supernova daily programme

The ESO Supernova mission

The ESO Supernova vision

The ESO Supernova values

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

PDF tracker for the ALMA augmented reality App in action

Poster for the Photo Nightscape Awards

ALMA Antennas (artist's impression)

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters

The Reflex graphical workflow system in action

Construction of La Silla

Sale authorisation, 1972

Caso Paranal 2

Caso Paranal

High up inside a VLT Unit Telescope

"Comprehensive Programme" site testing

Klaverlei farm

Rockdale station

Rockdale station, 1962

Flathill near Zeekoegat station

Members of site testing teams

Tübingen project observer

Measurements at night

Going uphill the Table mountain

Clean mirror

Observing at Rockdale mountain

Observing at Rockdale mountain

The Klaverlei Farm from air

Panoramic view of ALMA Observatory

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Mountain observing site

Rockdale Mountain observing site

Rockdale Mountain observing site

Rockdale Mountain observing site

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Rockdale Staff housing

Looking toward future New Technology Telescope site


ESO 3.6-metre telescope design drawings

Astrónoma de ESO inaugura ciclo de charlas públicas en Antofagasta


The ESO 3.6-metre telescope main mirror

Science in School issue 21

Science in School issue 20

Wide-field view of the sky around the remarkable star SDSS J102915+172927

Chilean National Week of Science 2007

Panorama of ESO at EXPONOR 2005

Science in School issue 19

Science in School issue 18

Science in School issue 17

Front cover of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Final Report Executive Summary

Science in School issue 16

VISTA FOV comparison

The VLTI laboratory at Paranal

Calibrating instruments in the VLT control room

The Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy — VISTA

X-SHOOTER handling tool

X-SHOOTER removal

The wind blows in Paranal

Auxiliary Telescope hexapod

Paranal VLTI Lab

Chilean national week of science 2007

The VLTI laboratory at Paranal

The CCD220 detector

Orbits of the planets

The relative position of the companion to HD 3651

Properties of low-mass stars and planets

Velocity measurements of forty intracluster planetary nebulae

Intracluster planetary nebulae in the SUC field in the Virgo Cluster

Near-infrared spectrum of the brown dwarf object 2M1207 and GPCC

Beryllium spectral lines in three stars

Interferometric fringes of NGC 1068

Stability of HARPS velocity measurements during an observing night

Track of Pluto's shadow during occultation on July 20, 2002

Infrared spectrum of spiral galaxy ISOHDFS 27

Infrared spectrum of brown dwarf TWA-5B

Spectum of Be doublet

Spectrum of quasar at Z=5.00

Spectrum of stars in NGC 6822 and the Small Magellanic Cloud

The brown dwarf KELU-1

Discovery of a binary quasar


Schematic illustration of the observations and competing scenarios for HR 6819

Farid Char

ESO Photo Ambassador Jordi Busque

ESO Photo Ambassador Daniele Gasparri

ESO Photo Ambassador Zdenek Bardon

ESO Music Ambassador: Dimitris Polychroniadis

ESO Music Ambassador: Stan Dart

Banner for the Total Solar Eclipse 2019

ESO Music Ambassador: Jon Kennedy

YouTube video translation

YouTube video translation

ESO Photo Ambassador Alberto Ghizzi Panizza

ESO Photo Ambassador Juan Carlos Muñoz

ESO Music Ambassadors: Nigel Stanford

ESO Music Ambassadors: Max Pfetscher and Ali Raini

ESO Music Ambassador: Igor Kiselev

ESO Music Ambassador: Jennifer Galatis

ESO Music Ambassador: John Dyson

ESO Music Ambassador: Steve Buick

ESO Music Ambassador: Johan Monell

ESO Photo Ambassador Heiko Sommer

ESO Photo Ambassador Alessandro Caproni

Johannes Kepler

ESO Photo Ambassador Miguel Claro

Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria

Poster for the Southern Astrophotography Conference 2010

ESO Supernova partners and benefits

ESO Photo Ambassador Petr Horálek

Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS) logo

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters