Infrared spectrum of spiral galaxy ISOHDFS 27
The "raw" spectrum of the distant galaxy ISOHDFS 27, obtained with the ISAAC infrared instrument at the 8.2-m VLT ANTU telescope. Light from hydrogen atoms emitted in the red spectral region (the H-alpha emission line) is visible as two prominent "blobs" on either side of the central, featureless spectrum (the galaxy "continuum"). A weaker emission line from singly ionized nitrogen ([N II]) is seen to the right; it shows exactly the same behaviour.
The present results are based on observations that were collected in visitor mode during August 18-20, 2000. For these observations, ISAAC was used in medium resolution mode (R ~ 5000) with a slit of 0.6 arcsec x 2 arcmin. The pixel scale is 0.146 arcsec/pix. The wavelength for the H-alpha is 1.0370 µm and the SZ band was used for the observations. The seeing was very good throughout the run (from 0.2 - 0.9 arcsec). The spectrum was acquired under 0.2 arcsec seeing.
About the Image
Id: | eso0041b |
Type: | Chart |
Release date: | 8 December 2000 |
Related releases: | eso0041 |
Size: | 3000 x 2122 px |
About the Object
Name: | ISOHDFS 27 |
Type: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral Early Universe : Galaxy : Size : Giant |
Distance: | z=0.581 (redshift) |
Category: | Galaxies |
Colours & filters
Band | Telescope |
Infrared SZ | Very Large Telescope ISAAC |