A strange Supernova with a gamma-ray burst

Laajakulmakuva NGC 7727:n sisältävästä taivaanalueesta

Digitized Sky Survey image around the galaxy NGC 5018 in the constellation of Virgo

Hubble image of the distance-record galaxy UDFy-38135539

Detailed annotated view of a section of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Last colour photo before the supernova explosion in LMC

Artist’s impression of a young galaxy accreting material

Arp 22 stretches out

Highlights of the HAWK-I infrared image of Messier 83

The Triangulum Galaxy

Centaurus A – Field 2 (halo)

Distant star-forming galaxies in the early Universe

Looking into the Milky Way’s heart — ISAAC observes the Galactic Centre

Blue dwarf galaxy NGC 5233

Colour composite of the Galactic Centre

The antennae galaxies - NGC4038/9

Distant galaxy MS 1512-cB58

Highlights of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Big stellar cluster in the blue dwarf galaxy NGC 5253

Lyman-alpha emission objects

Light-bending matter in the distant Universe