compares raw and product STD_MOS files
for FORS2 QC assessment; the plots are later reviewed
within certifyProducts. The first plot (std_mos_grap1.png) is
stored as Postscript file in $DFO_PLT_DIR.
QC1db names: n_saturated | object_position | avg_accuracy | efficiency_ (i=1...15)
QC1 params created by pipeline: avg_accuracy (from wavelength calibration data), efficiency parameters (in table)
QC1 params created by this procedure: n_saturated
QC1 parameters written into QC1 table: n_saturated, object_position, avg_accuracy
Description of algorithms: n_saturated Number of pixels above 60000 counts in the raw frame within the slitlet containing the standard star spectrum. object_position Y position of standard star spectrum.