Preliminary programme


12:00 - Conference start

Personal Introduction: Participants will introduce themselves using a business card format.

Instrument Introduction and Highlights: Detailed presentation on the capabilities of key astronomical instruments including MOONS, 4MOST, JWST, VLT/ERIS, and ELT. This session aims to provide all participants with the necessary background and the most up-to-date information on these tools.


Main Topic: Outflows

Morning: Series of talks focusing on the latest research and developments regarding astronomical outflows.

Afternoon: Discussion sessions to delve deeper into the morning's topics and explore new ideas.

Evening: Social program organised by students, providing a relaxed setting for further networking and discussion.


Main Topic: IMF (Initial Mass Function)

Morning: Talks on the impact of the IMF on various astronomical phenomena.

Afternoon: Discussions based on morning talks, facilitating deeper exploration of the IMF's role in the universe.


Main Topic: Mass-Metallicity Relation

Morning: Presentation of current studies and theories related to the mass-metallicity relation.

Afternoon: Discussion sessions to critique and expand upon the morning's findings.

18:00 PM: Visit to the local monastery, providing a cultural experience.

19:30 PM: Conference dinner and group photo, a chance for formal and informal interactions among participants.


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Conference wrap-up session, summarising the key insights and discussions from the week.

12:00 PM: Lunch and official closing of the workshop.


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