Scientific Programme
as at 19-Oct-2011
Invited reviews: 25 min. + 5 min. questions & transition to next speaker
Contributed talks: 15 min. + 5 min. questions & transition to next speaker
REGISTRATION: Monday, 24 October, 2011 09:50-10:50
Program Overview
MONDAY, 24 October |
09:50 | Registration | |
10:50 | Welcome and organizational issues | J. Melnick |
The history of VLTI |
Chair: R. Gilmozzi | ||
11:00 | The genesis of the VLTI | P. Léna |
11:30 | The true history of the VLTI | O. von der Lühe |
Interferometry in the USA |
12:00 | History of interferometry in the US and recent developments | W. Traub |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch Break |
Science Highlights: Star and Planet Formation |
Chair: M. Perez | ||
13:30 | Disks around young stars: Invited Review | A. Isella |
14:00 | The disks inner regions: Interferometry review talk | R. Akeson |
14:20 | Formation of planetary systems: perspectives and challenges for interferometry | W. Benz |
14:40 | Dust evolution in disks: the impact of mid-infrared interferometry | B. Acke |
15:00 | Spectro-interferometry of disks and winds with VLTI | F. Millour |
15:20-18:00 | Contributed talks: | |
15:20 | Unveiling the structure of pre-transitional disk | M. Benisty |
15:40 | VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry of the young Herbig Be star MWC 297 with a spectral resolution of 12000: studies of its disk and disk wind | G. Weigelt |
16:00 | The size of ABDorA from VLTI/AMBER interferometry | J.-C. Guirado |
16:20-16:40 | Coffee Break | |
16:40 | First Results from the PIONIER survey of Southern T Tauri Stars | F. Menard |
17:00 | Structure and variability of the planet-forming regions in the disc around HD100546 revealed using VLTI/MIDI | O. Panić |
17:20 | MIDI's view of Massive Young Stellar Objects | W.-J. de Wit |
17:40 | MIDI's View of Discs around Low-Mass Young Stellar Objects and their Companions | T. Ratzka |
18:00 | End of first day | |
18:10-19:30 | Welcome Reception at ESO |
TUESDAY, 25 October |
Star and Planet Formation |
09:00-09:40 | Contributed talks: |
09:00 |
Detecting faint companions with PIONIER | O. Absil |
09:20 |
Star-disk interplay in the resolved emission of Herbig-Haro object: the case of MWC158 observed with the VLTI | F. Malbet |
Science Highlights: Stellar Astrophysics |
Chair: C. Hummel | ||
09:40 | Fundamental parameters of stellar physics: Invited Review | J. Aufdenberg |
10:10 | Constraints from Interferometry | P. Kervella |
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | |
10:50-12:50 | Contributed talks: | |
10:50 | 10 years of interferometric observations of Cepheids | A. Mérand |
11:10 | Imaging stellar surfaces with VLTI and 3D radiative hydrodynamics simulations | A. Chiavassa |
11:30 | 1-D imaging of the dynamical, inhomogeneous atmosphere of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER | K. Ohnaka |
11:50 | Resolving the wind of the most massive stars in the Galaxy with VLTI/AMBER | J. Groh |
12:10 | The multiplicity of young OB stars revealed by interferometry | T. Preibisch |
12:30 | Zooming in on circumstellar matter around B stars with the AMBER highresolution mode | S. Stefl |
12:50-14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00-15:00 | Contributed talks: | |
14:00 | Angular diameter of rotating stars from differential phases | A. Domiciano de Souza |
14:20 | The interferometric signature of the rapidly corotating magnetosphere of HR5907 | T. Rivinius |
14:40 | VLTI/AMBER observations of the binary B[e] supergiant HD 327083 | H. Wheelwright |
Science Highlights: Evolved Stars |
Chair: I. Percheron | ||
15:00 | O. Chesneau | |
15:20-17:20 | Contributed talks: | |
15:20 | The evolved massive star IRC+ 10420 with VLTI/AMBER: multi-epoch, multi-baselines and FINITO | R. Oudmaijer |
15:40 | VLTI/AMBER observations of Mira-variable AGB stars | M. Wittkowski |
16:00-16:20 | Coffee Break | |
16:20 | Interferometric monitoring of Evolved Stars | I. Karovikova |
16:40 | An incisive look at the symbiotic star SS Leporis - Milli-arcsecond imaging with PIONIER | N. Blind |
17:00 | Investigating the geometry and physics of evolved giant stars: TX Psc and other beasts | A. Richichi |
Science Highlights: Asteroids |
Chair: J. Melnick | ||
17:20 |
Interferometric observations of asteroids: Invited talk | M. Delbo |
17:40-18:00 |
Contributed talks: | |
Determination of physical properties of Main-belt asteroids using infrared Interferometry | A. Matter | |
18:00 |
End of second day |
WEDNESDAY, 26 October |
08:40-09:20 | Poster pops - summary of posters |
F. Malbet |
Science Highlights: AGN |
Chair: J. Melnick | ||
09:20 | The Structure of Active Nuclei on Scales from 100mas to 100microarcsec: Review talk | M. Elvis |
09:50 | Interferometry review: Invited talk | M. Kishimoto |
10:10-11:10 |
AGN contributed talks: | |
10:10 |
The complexity of parsec-scaled dusty tori in AGN | K. Tristram |
10:30 |
The MIDI AGN Large Programme: A statistical sample of resolved AGN tori | L. Burtscher |
10:50 |
VLTI/AMBER blind mode observations of the QSO 3C273''s Broad Line Region | R. Petrov |
11:10-12:00 | Coffee Break & Poster Session Poster viewing until Lunch |
12:00-13:20 | Lunch Break & Poster Viewing |
The next generation of instruments on the VLTI | ||
Chair: M. Schöller | ||
13:20 | Setting the scene: the VLTI in 2016 | F. Delplancke |
13:30 | B. Lazareff | |
13:55 | First results from PRIMA Astrometry | D. Segransan |
14:15 | Gravity | F. Eisenhauer |
14:35 | MATISSE | B. Lopez |
14:55-16:35 |
Contributed talks: | |
14:55 | Recent results from VEGA/CHARA and prospects for visible interferometry at VLTI | O. Chesneau/ D. Mourard |
15:15 | (Multi-waveband) phase-referencing: first science and technical progress | J-U. Pott |
15:35 | Discrete Beam Combiners: exploring the potential of 3D photonics for interferometry | S. Minardi |
15:55 | Bias correction for high precision science | D. Buscher |
16:15 | VINCI: The first interferometric instrument at the VLTI, its success story, and technical lessons learned | J. Meisner |
16:35-17:00 | Coffee Break |
The Future: ALMA, ELTs, and Space Missions (CoRoT, Kepler, Gaia, JWST) | ||
Chair: F. Delplancke | ||
17:00 | High angular resolution science with ALMA | L. Testi |
17:20 | High angular resolution science with E-ELT | M. Kissler-Patig |
17:40 | Science with interferometers in the era of ALMA, ELTs and space missions | J. Monnier |
18:00 | End of third day | |
19:30 | Conference Dinner |
THURSDAY, 27 October |
Panel discussion on the future of interferometers in the era of ALMA, ELTs and the space missions | ||
09:00 | Introductory remarks | G. Perrin |
09:20 | Panel Discussion moderated by A. Glindemann |
10:40-11:00 | Coffee Break | |
Panel discussion on the challenges of interferometers as common user facilities | ||
11:00 | Introductory remarks | A. Quirrenbach |
11:15 | Short presentations: Chara, MRO, Keck, VLTI, JMMC, FRINGE, NEVEC, International Schools (2 min. each by panel members) Panel discussion moderated by A. Quirrenbach |
12:30 | End of meeting | |
14:00 | Tutorials for students on how to write VLTI proposals and how to reduce data - Tutorial Hummel MIDI Data Reduction |