The First NEON Archive Observing School


A summer school at ESO

ESO, Garching, July 14-24, 2004

The European Southern Observatory (Germany), Space Telescope European Coordination Facility (Germany), Asiago Observatory (Italy), Calar Alto Observatory (Germany - Spain), Haute Provence Observatory (France) and La Palma observatories (ING and NOT, UK - Netherlands - Spain and Nordic Countries), announce the first NEON Archive Observing School. NEON stands for the Network of European Observatories in the North. The NEON Observing School is organized with the help of the European Astronomical Society (EAS).

A PDF version of the announcement poster can be downloaded from here.

Purpose: The purpose of the school is to provide the opportunity to gain practical experience in observational astrophysics via archival research, data-reduction and data-analysis, including virtual observatory tools. The research projects, centered on selected astrophysical topics, will be carried out in small groups (4 students) under the supervision of experienced astronomers, and complemented by lectures on general observational techniques and archival research for both ground and space based astronomy.

The school is open to Astronomy PhD students in preference and Postdocs, from all over Europe. Limited financial support is available for PhD students.

Scientific oversight: Michel Dennefeld (Chair), Denis Gillet, Roland Gredel, Harald Kuntschner, Alessandro Pizzella, Rene Rutten

Local Organising Committee: Britt Sjoeberg, Christina Stoffer, Harald Kuntschner

Deadline for registration: 30 April 2004 - The registration is now closed.

For general questions about the NEON summer school at ESO please email

An impression of the summer school can be gained by following the links below (e.g., Programme, Student projects, and Pictures form the school)

SOC & LOC Participants Programme Important Deadlines
Local Information Student projects Pictures from the school