
ESO-ESA Meeting on a Coordinated Approach to Astronomy,

Cosmology and Fundamental Physics

ESO-Garching, September 15-16, 2003

Participants List


Monday, September 15  
10:00 Welcome address C. Cesarsky (ESO
Session 1: The Situation  
10:10 ESO facilities Now and Then C. Cesarsky (ESO)
10:40 ESA facilities Now and Then A. Gimenez (ESA)
11:10 Coffee Break  
11:30 Major ongoing space/ground programs M. Grewing (ESA), A. Renzini (ESO)
12:30 ST-ECF as an example of cooperation R. Fosbury (ESA)
13:00 Lunch Break  
Session 2: Science Issues  
14:30 Solar System:  
   Solar-Terrestrial Physics P. Cargill (TBC) (ESA)
   Planetary Exploration M. Coradini (ESA)
   Ground-based Research E. van Dishoeck (ESO)
15:00 Extra-solar Planets:  
   Space-based studies C. Turon (ESA)
   Ground-based studies E. van Dishoeck (ESO)
15:30 Star Formation R. Genzel (ESO), M. Grewing (ESA)
16:00 Coffee Break  
16:30 High-energy Astrophysics S. Volonte (ESA), C. Cesarsky (ESO)
17:00 Formation and Evolution of Galaxies R. Bender (ESO), S. Volonte (ESA)
17:30 Fundamental Physics & Cosmology J.L. Puget (ESO), S. Vitale (ESA)
18:00 General Discussion  
18:30 End of the Session  
Tuesday, September 16  
Session 3: Discussion on ESO/ESA Coordination  

09:00 Existing Facilities    

Moderators: A. Gimenez (ESA) and P. Quinn (ESO)
11:00 Coffee Break  
11:30 Major New Facilities for the 2010-2020 Decade Moderators: G. Cavallo (ESA) and A. Renzini (ESO)
13:00 Lunch Break  
Session 4: Drafting Conclusions  
14:30 Conclusions and recommendations All
16:00 End of Meeting