ESO Workshop on Optical Detectors for Astronomy

European Southern Observatory, Garching bei München, Germany

13-16 September, 1999 ESO Auditorium


WORKSHOP VENUE: European Southern Observatory (ESO), Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2, 85748 Garching bei München, Auditorium (the main entrance).

A detailed program will be posted on the Web in the near future

WELCOMING RECEPTION: On Monday, 13 September, please join us for a relaxed evening of getting reacquainted. This casual affair will take place at Schloss Beletic, Türkenstrasse 11 Garching between 18:00 and 21:00 hrs.
Your accompanying guests are cordially invited.
REGISTRATION: Monday, 13 September 1999, from 18:00 - 18:30 at the workshop reception
Tuesday, 14 September 1999, 08:30-09:00 hrs. at ESO
REGISTRATION FEE: To make life easiest, we will have a single workshop fee of 250 DM, which covers all the workshop activities (reception, dinner, lunches and refreshments), a copy of the workshop Proceedings and the cool workshop parafernalia. The registration fee is payable at the registration desk in German currency only (cash preferred, traveller's cheques and Euroceques accepted - no credit card facilities will be available)
WORKSHOP FORMAT: Most participants of past ESO CCD workshops have enjoyed an atmosphere that is more intimate than the large conferences sponsored by the professional societies. In these workshops, the concept of "roundtable" discussions was used to foster a free exchange of ideas. 
We will continue this tradition in the 1999 workshop by having a mix of oral presentations, poster sessions and roundtable discussions. These are complemented by the special evening dinner on Wednesday the 15th and the visit to the Paulaner Brewery. followed by dinner downtown on the 16th.
There will be no parallel sessions and participants are invited to use the poster area or terrace (in case of good weather) for private discussions with colleagues. 
ORAL PRESENTATIONS: The oral presentations will be either 10 or 20 minutes talks followed by a 5 minute question and answer period. 
POSTER PAPERS: Accompanying the oral presentations there will be poster sessions with papers on the same (or similar) subject. Authors of poster papers are to put up their papers at the beginning of the first day of the workshop and to leave them on display for the entire workshop. Authors of poster papers are expected to be present at their booth during the appropriate poster session. They are also invited to do a 1 minute presentation (with ONE transparency) of their work to the audience at the end of the morning session (before lunch) of the day their subject is discussed.
EQUIPMENT DEMOS: Participants are strongly encouraged to bring systems or subsystems for demonstration during the poster sessions. ESO will provide a secure location for that is locked during non-demonstration periods. 
ROUNDTABLES: The roundtables are designed to encourage open discussion and debate on a few of the areas that involve a majority of us. The areas initially selected are: 
  • CCD Electronics  
  • CCD Characterization and Optimization  
  • CCD Contamination
Depending on the response, we may adjust the content of the roundtables, so please feel free to contribute your ideas. 

The roundtables have a format that aims to promote free discussion. The format of the roundtable will be as follows: 

  1. The roundtable chair and a panel of presenters will sit at the front of the auditorium. 
  2. The roundtable chair will provide an overview of the discussion topic (in 5 minutes or less) and will moderate the discussion. 
  3. Following the presentation by the chair, the panelists will present 2 or 3 viewgraphs of their contribution (max of 5 minute presentation). 
  4. After a small number of presentations, the floor is opened for discussion. The audience is encouraged to make comments, ask questions or if desired, present a SINGLE viewgraph to make a specific point. Please come to the workshop with a small set of viewgraphs that address specific issues of concern to you. 
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Participants are expected to submit a title and abstract when pre-registering. Complete camera-ready papers and electronic versions should be brought to the workshop. The latest date for submission is one month after the conclusion of the workshop, 16 October 1999

The single major deficiency of the 1996 workshop was the delay of the publication of the Proceedings. We think we can really do better this time, especially if you are all willing to help us! The best help is of course to respect the deadline (in case you missed it before is: 16 October 1999) but also to send us contribution written according to a specific format:

  • Text - text in plain ASCII with no specific formatting or Microsoft Word (*.doc) with normal formatting. Those of you who have math formulas, Greek symbols and/or special characters in the text and cannot submit the contribution in Word will be required to send, in addition to the electronic ASCII version, a paper version with all the special formatting and/or symbols in it. We will type in what is missing.
    In case you have special requests or doubts, let us know in due time.
  • Graphics - only the following graphic formats will be accepted: JPEG, GIF, BMP and encapsulated postscript. The encapsulated postscript has to be standard level 2 or 3 (PS-Adobe-2.0 or PS-Adobe-3.0), readable by ghostview. When possible try to avoid encapsulating bitmap images. In this case, send us directly the bitmap.
    Maximum dimension of each picture is (width x height) 12 x 9 cm (4.7 x 3.6 in). Taller pictures (up to 18 cm) can also be accomodated, but they count as one page. The width of 9 cm cannot be exceeded.
    Quality and resolution should be good enough for paper copy, not less than 600 DPI. It is advisable to produce the picture in the right format, thus avoiding resizings. This holds especially for pictures with text in them. Please check that text and numbers are readable on your originals when printed the right size.
    Due to the high cost, no color pictures will be printed.
  • Page limits - The page limit will be a function of the type of presentation. We may adjust these limits depending on the quantity of papers, but approximate page limits are: 
    • Oral (20 min) - 10 pages 
    • Oral (10 min) - 5 pages 
    • Poster - 3 pages 
    • Roundtable - 3 pages for presentation - 2 pages for "contribution" 
    The number of pages includes figures and references. A standard page is defined as 12.5 x 18.5 cm (4.9 x 7.3 in) , single line spacing, with standard 10 points Times New Roman fonts.
WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS: The proceedings of the workshop will be published by ESO. Registered participants will receive a copy, and copies will be mailed to observatories and appropriate libraries. Due to the high cost of publishing a single run set of proceedings, we must enforce page limits for the contributions.
SOCIAL EVENTS: An intense and interesting social program comes alongside the workshop.
The following table summarizes the social events:









BMW Factory Tour

Only 24 places, first come, first served!!

Please send asap a note to if you are interested in going

Bus leaves Garching at 12.15; find own way back to Garching


Reception at Schoß Beletic and


Within walking distance from hotels



Dinner at Schloß Haimhausen

BBQ dinner. We will also have sports facilities at our disposal (indoor and ourtdoor:climbing wall, basketball, volleyball, baseball, etc). Bring your sport gear along!!

We also look for volunteers to organize/lead teams and games.!!!

Bus leaves Garching 18.00

Bus returns to Garching 21.30



Paulaner Brewery Tour, followed by

Dinner at SeeHaus

Discover the secrets of beer making in one of Munich's most famous breweries!

Optional dinner inside Munich's largest park, the Englisher Garten. Prices for main dish between 20-30 DM.

Bus leaves Garching 16.15

Bus returns to Garching 22.00


BMW Factory Tour

Only 5 places, find own way there and back. Send an email to if you want to go.

ESO will provide transportation from Garching to where the event will take place. At the end of the affair, buses will return us to the hotels in Garching. Please invite your accompanying guests to join us for this adventure (An extra fee of 50 DM per guest has to be paid at the registration). Please mark in the Registration/Accomodation form how many persons and your preferences (e.g. vegetarian). 

ACCOMMODATIONS ESO has arranged for hotel accommodations for all participants in the city of Garching. Please see the hotels list for more information.
TRANSPORTATION Garching is easily reached by taxi from the Munich airport (about 50 DM per taxi, no matter how many persons).  Transportation between the hotels and ESO will be provided by bus at the beginning and end of each day of the workshop. If you desire a pleasant walk, ESO is only about 20 minutes by foot from the center of Garching. For those participants who come with a car, it can be parked during the workshop in the ESO parking lot at the corner of Boltzmann / Karl-Schwarzschild Strasse. 

If you require a taxi to either the airport or the train station on the last day of the Workshop, kindly inform the secretariat by Wednesday morning so that a "taxi pool" can be arranged. 

BANK SERVICE Please note that no bank service is planned for this Workshop. The opening hours of the Bankhaus Reuschel & Co., Burgerplatz 7, in Garching are:
Mon-Fri: 08:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:45. There is a 24 hour teller machine at the front of the bank that dispenses money to a valid bank card, including Eurocard, Cirrus and Plus. 
LUNCHEON: Light lunches (sandwiches, fruits, light drinks) will be provided by ESO every day. They will be served close to the poster area to facilitate contacts and chats between participants. If the weather is fine, we will move to the terrace to enjoy the sun. Participants who wish it, may take lunch in the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Canteen situated nearby. Typical prices (sandwiches or warm meals) range from DM 6 to DM 12. 
Opening hours of MPI Canteen Cafeteria: 08:30-11:00 / 11:30-16:30 
Restaurant: 11:15-13:45 
TRAVEL AGENT:  Next to the reception you will find a branch of the Wagons Lits Travel Agency (room 203). Opening hours Mon-Fri from 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00. 
COMPUTER ACCOUNT: Remote login to home machines from ESO User Room (ask the Workshop reception) will be made available
FAX NUMBER TO BE REACHED AT ESO: 00 49 89 32006 358 or 00 49 89 320 23 62 
Telephone messages for participants can be left under the number (+ 49 89) 320 06 0.
Faxes should be sent to the ESO central fax number (+ 49 89) 320 23 62.