Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei

Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei

their Diagnostics, Demography, and Formation

In Honour of Prof. R. Giacconi

6-8 September 1999
ESO Headquarters, Garching bei München, Germany

The aim of this workshop is to bring together astrophysicists working on the rather separate fields of stellar-mass and supermassive black holes, with emphasis on the formation, population, physics, and environments of black holes. An overview will be given of the observational evidence for the existence of black holes in binaries and galactic nuclei. Related topics like the late stages of (binary) evolution and galaxy formation will be addressed.

Topics to be covered

  • Black-hole diagnostics
    • Binaries (X-ray sources, neutron stars vs. black holes)
    • Centers of galaxies, including our own (AGN phenomenon, stellar & gas dynamics signatures)
    • Jets, disks & accretion tori
    • Variability & outbursts
  • Properties of black-hole populations
    • Stellar-mass black holes
    • Supermassive black holes
  • Black-hole formation
    • Progenitors of stellar-mass black holes: Supernovae/Hypernovae
    • Models for the formation of supermassive black holes

Scientific Organizing Committee
R. Bacon (France), R. Bender (Germany), R.D. Blandford (USA), P.T. de Zeeuw (Netherlands), L. Kaper (Netherlands), G. Monnet (ESO), M.J. Rees (United Kingdom), A. Renzini (ESO), D.O. Richstone (USA), R. Sunyaev (Germany), J. Trümper (Germany), Y. Tanaka (Japan), E.P.J. van den Heuvel (Netherlands, Chair)

Local Organizing Committee
L. Kaper (Netherlands, Chair), C. Stoffer (ESO), P.A. Woudt (ESO)

Registration Fee
The registration fee is DM 150, which includes a copy of the workshop proceedings. Please bring this amount (in cash or euro cheque) with you for registration on Monday morning. We regret that credit cards cannot be accepted. Note that the registration fee does not include the cost of lunch, which will be available at the nearby Max Planck canteen for approximately DM 10 per meal.

The accommodation form should be filled NOW if you have not already done so. In mid-August we will inform you about your hotel reservation and what the cost will be. All hotels we arrange for you are in Garching, and are within walking distance of each other. On the days of the workshop, a bus will be available to transfer you from the Maibaum (in the center of Garching) to and from ESO Headquarters. There is easy access to downtown Munich by bus and U-bahn.

Travel and Local Information and Hotels in Garching
Information on travelling to Garching, Germany, restaurants and hotels in Garching, etc. can be obtained through the ESO web.

Weather in September
Munich's weather in September is especially difficult to predict: it may be glorious and warm (16-20 C) during the day, but will probably be chilly at night. It can also be cool, soggy, and miserable during the day. To get a feel for this, you might like to check the weather conditions around Munich during the week before the workshop. In any case, it would be prudent to come prepared for a range of temperatures, and for the possibility of rainy weather.

Scientific Programme
A list of invited reviews and talks has now been added to this webpage. Please note that this page could be subject to (minor) changes. Important information regarding the length of the oral contributions and allocated space for poster presentations can be found here! Please make sure that you read all the information posted on that page.

Registered Participants
A final list of the registered participants is available.

Instructions for Authors
If you have presented a paper or a poster at the ESO Workshop on `Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei', please look at the Instructions for Authors.

Latest news and updates

10 August 1999. The waiting list has been closed.

Please check this page regularly for updates. In case you have a question, please contact us at:

European Southern Observatory   Tel: (+49 89) 320-060
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2   Fax: (+49 89) 320-06480 
D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany   Telex: 52828222 eo d