Objects to be transferred into theclean room must be cleaned before.
Put small objects into a precleaned plastic container for the transport. Remove dust from the container or from the biggerobject with the vacuum cleaner. This should be done directlyin front of the clean room door.
Switch on the lights from outside and open the entrance door using thecode number.
If you enter the clean room in the evening (5:00 pm and later),on weekends or on Fridays switch the clean room to operation mode(put the two switches to position 2). Afterwards when you leaveswitch again both to position 1.
Clean room log book:
Every time you enter the clean room area please indicate your name,date and time and your activity into the clean room log book whichyou find in the sit-over area. Make remarks aboutanomalies and problems.
In the sit-over area you can regulatethe lights (all lights on - lights partly on - all lights off) andthe air flow and switch the clean room from stand-by to operation modeand vice versa.
First step onto the outer adhesive mat in front of the seats, sit downand put on the booties over your shoes. Turn your legstowards the inner side and enter the dressingarea. Avoid touching the outeradhesive mat with the booties and the inner adhesive mat withyour shoes.
Inside the Clean room control center in the service area you can regulatethe amount of fresh air (0 % if nobody is present,25 % or more if people are present).
In the dressing area put on the overall and the hood.
Don't wear the overall if you just enter the service area behind the clean room!
Enter the clean room area.
Put on gloves or a face mask stored on the table inside if you work with CCDs.
After work plug out the de-ionizer and turn off the main valve of thegas supply (located on the right side of the CCDdetector shelf) if used and remove plug of device.
Then go back to the dressing area, put off theclean room garments with exception of the booties and enter the sit-over area.
Indicate your exact working time in the clean room log book, as well asall problems that occurred and all observations you made during yourstay in the clean room.
If dirt is produced use the vacuumcleaner to remove it.
In case of working with chemicals use the fume hood.
In the sit-over area put off the booties,turn around your legs towards the side where the exit is. Avoid touching the outeradhesive mat with the booties and the inner adhesive mat withyour shoes.
Open the entrance door using the button signed as "Türöffner" (= door opener) and switch off the lights.
Restart after an emergency shut down:
In case of a shut down pull the red emergency knob first.
Then switch the main switch at the clean room control center in the service area to "off" and to "on" again until all enginesrestart.