Emergency Procedures
Procedimientos de Emergencia

General Information

A safety engineer is in charge of overall safety on the mountain and, a paramedical practitioner, takes are of minor accidents and minor sicknesses. A more serious illness or accident, after consulting with the supervising physician, is directed to nearby hospitals.

A full practicing physician stationed at Clínica Alemana, in Santiago, and another from La Serena, supervise the functioning of La Silla's infirmary. In emergencies, they may be contacted through a special paging station accessible through any phone on the site. The physician from La Serena pays visits to the mountain every month, when he may be consulted.

In all Emergencies:
Dial 4444 from any phoning station.
You may also use beeper (93) code 60, or check the emergency contact list.




  1. Avoid moving the injured person
  2. Carefully evaluate priorities injuries, if possible, administer first aid.
  3. Contact Paramedic at 4310 and Emergency group at 4444, or dial 93 followed by beeper number 60, (check paging system), and inform exact location and type of accident.
  4. If possible, do not leave the victim alone. Keep victim warm and start casual conversation. Do not let victim see their injuries or give the victim anything to drink.


All personnel should follow these procedures in case of Fire:

  1. Transmit the alarm by activating the nearest manual pull station
  2. Telephone call to Emergency Group at extension 4444. Booth the following information: A) Fire location B) Type and Size C) What is burning E) any injures or trapped people. Wait for Instructions.
  3. Any person who is unable to evacuate because of physical disability or mobility impairment is to be assisted to designated Safety zones and their locations should be reported to the emergency group members.
  4. All personnel upon hearing the alarm signal shall immediately execute the evacuation procedures as outlined in the response to alarms section of the emergency plan.
  5. People at the telescopes should evacuate using the fire stairs, NOT the elevators.
  6. Under no circumstances is an employee to attempt to extinguish a big fire. Only the Emergency Group will carry out such procedure
  7. Keep phone lines and radio channels open.

Please note: "In Case of Fire" posters will be posted on the main bulletin boards located in the observatory.

Fire Safety Tips: Know where fire exits, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers are located. Learn how to use a fire extinguisher. Use a fire extinguisher for small fires.


  1. Maintain calm. Walk, don't run.
  2. Do not use elevators.
  3. All personnel should proceed to the Safety zones.
  4. Check if anyone is missing. If so, then inform rescue team at 4444, or channel 2.
  5. Rescue Team personnel will verify the conditions of the road down to Pajonales, and will contact the Police for more information concerning the highway condition.
  6. Keep phone lines and radio channels open.
  7. Visualize, analyze the installations before reentering.

NOTE: All teams should have their radios tuned in channel 2 during the emergency.


  1. Inform the Satefy Engineer.
  2. In case of health problems the person should go to the polyclinic in order to receive medical attention.


  1. The speed limit is 40 km/h during daylight.
  2. The speed limit is 30 km/h during night.
  3. Always use the safety belt.
  4. Drive carefully during night, since there might be animals in the road, or pedestrians with no torchs.
  5. Only park in authorized areas.


Types of weather emergencies include the following:

GRADE 1: Bad visibility, fog, or rain. Careful driving. Car headlights on. Speed limit=20km/hr.
GRADE 2: Soft snowfall. Only 4WD vehicles allowed to drive. Car headlights on. Speed limit= 20km/hr.
GRADE 3: Blizzards, roads covered with snow. Only 4WD vehicles allowed to drive. Use snow chains. Speed limit= 20km/hr.
GRADE 4: Heavy snowfall and storm. Only emergency vehicles allowed to drive.


Those people who work at the telescopes will have special transportation at predefined hours.


Zone 1: Hotel main yard (Andaluz garden)

Zone 2: Hotel's rear access

Zone 3: Administration Building parking area

Zone 4: Area next to the GMS building ("sarcófago")

Zone 5: 1-m Telescope parking area

Zone 6: Dorms 1-2 parking area

Zone 7: Warehouse backyard

                                                                  EMERGENCY GROUP MEMBERS

Team Member
Contact (Radio/Beeper/Extension)
Mauricio Martínez- Brigade Leader
Radio Channel 2/ Ext. 4531-4326
Javier Duk
Radio Channel 2/ Beeper 70/ Ext. 4172-4114
 Hernan Adones
Radio Channel 2/ Ext. 4340- 4415                                   
 Eduardo Matamoros Radio Channel 2/ Ext. 4531-4323
 Javier Cuellar Radio Channel 2/ Beeper 51/ Ext.4231-4229
 Gerardo Smith                
Radio Channel 2/ Beeper 34/ Ext. 4344-4188
 Guillermo Meneses (Night Ambulance Driver) Radio Channel 2/ Ext. 4141
 Julio Jorquera (Night Ambulance Driver) Radio Channel 2/ Ext. 4140
  Doralisa Vejar (Paramedic)
Radio Channel 2/ Beeper 60/ Ext.4310-4309
  Ivonne Espinoza (Paramedic)
Radio Channel 2/ Beeper 60/ Ext. 4310-4309
  Javier Alarcón
Radio Channel 2/Ext. 4531-4324