CCDs at ESO - Ultraclean CCD project - Plan of cryostat assembly and decontamination

Steps of cryostat assembly and cleaning with new systems

I.   Separation of tank from head andhead disassembly
II.   Tank baking in oven at95 °C
III.   Head cleaning
  1. Pre-cleaning by hand by hand with acetone
  2. First ultrasonic bath in Tickopur detergent
  3. Second ultrasonic bath in pure water or non-ultrasonic bath
  4. Baking of parts ( metal 180 °C, epoxy 130 °C, boards 85 °C,CCDs 60 °C )
  5. Dust removal

IV.   Tank pumping( sorption pump 130 °C, mass spectrum analysis )
V.   Integration and assembly of head withpre-adjustment
VI.   Inside cryostat wiring
VII.   Gluing of sensors and cleaning ofresiduals
VIII.   Testing of wiring
IX.   CCD alignment
X.   Integration of head with tank -leak test
XI.   Pumping ( may be withheating from outside )
XII.   Cryostat ready

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