Searching for black holes in giant Es

Team responsible: Harald Kuntschner (ECF/ESO)
Team members: Florian Kerber (ECF/ESO)

Finding charts: NGC1399

K-band spectroscopy of the central (3.2x3.2arcsec) regions of a giant elliptical galaxy (NGC1399) in the Fornax cluster will be used to probe the stellar kinematics influenced by super massive black holes (radius of influence on the order of 1"). Additionally the K-band CO lines and the weaker Na and Ca lines will be useful to investigate the central stellar populations.

Target list
NameRA(2000)DEC(2000)Plate-Scale(s)Bands(s)Exp.time(on source)
NGC139903:38:29-35:27:03100K3 h

Science Objective:
K-band spectroscopy of the central (3.2x3.2arcsec) regions of a giant elliptical galaxy (NGC1399) in the Fornax cluster will be used to probe the stellar kinematics influenced by super massive black holes (radius of influence on the order of 1"). The measurement of the central velocity dispersion and the higher moments of the velocity profile will be used to estimate the black hole mass (e.g., Gebhardt et al. 2003, ApJ, 583, 92). The highest possible spatial resolution is of pramaount importance to obtain good black hole mass estimates. Previously, this work was mainly done with STIS spectroscopy, but the AO capabilities of Sinfoni open up a new path to measure black hole masses. NGC1399 is the cD of the Fornax cluster and therefore is expected to agree well with the black hole mass versus velocuty dispersion relation ship.

Additionally the K-band CO lines and the weaker Na and Ca lines will be useful to investigate the central stellar populations.

Observing strategy
The galaxy will be observed for 3h on source each with an extra 1.5h spent on sky. The exact integration times per exposure are still TBD. The observations will be dithered by a small amount (~0.1 arcsec), if possible, so to reduce the influence of bad detector pixels, flat fielding issues etc.