Release of xshooter May 30 - June 1 Paranalization Data
Few paranalization data were taken during the nights May 30 - June 1 2009. The observations were performed to test the implementation of the automatic AFC (Active Flexure Compensation), the RRM (Rapid Response Mode) and the TCCD (for TCCD-RTD implementations). The paranalization could not be completed due to technical problems which eventually affected the quality of the data included in this release. In particular, the interested user should keep in mind that:
- some of the observations are missing the NIR arm spectrum
- some of the UVB and VIS spectra are affected by a strong background noise
- the science observations are not completed of the corresponding calibration frames (flats, arcs, bias or NIR darks, etc)
In summary, the scientific value of the acquired spectra is limited and, in particular, the data are not suitable for robust spectrophotometric analysis. However the data are valuable if the redshift and line identification are of interest. This release includes a total of 1899 frames among which 118 NIR frames (either IFU or SLT observations of scientific targets or standard), 128 UVB frames (either IFU or SLT observations of scientific targets or standard) and 132 VIS frames (either IFU or SLT observations of scientific targets or standard). Details about each frame can be found in this excel list.
By clicking on the following links, one can download the May-June Paranalization files from the ESO archive:
Credit for the observations should be given to Antonio De Ugarte Postigo.