Science projects and scientific staff in Garching

Key Research Areas in Garching:

1. Cosmology – high-redshift universe

  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • CMB/cosmological parameters
  • ISM in high-z galaxies
  • Cosmological simulations

2. Galaxy evolution/formation

  • Survey/statistical studies 
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Environment

3. Galaxies/AGN

  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Active galaxies/ high-energy sources
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Simulations
  • Massive black holes

4. ISM – star formation

  • Astrochemistry
  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions 
  • Cycle of dust   

 5. Stellar evolution

  • Stellar populations
  • Evolved/binary stars 
  • Supernovae, variable stars
  • Transient objects 
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 
  • Young stars  

6. Planets’ formation, exoplanets

  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Astrobiology
  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Planets-disc interaction

7. The Sun and the solar system

  • Physics of the Sun
  • Small bodies of the solar system 
  • Solar system planets/atmospheres
  • Earth atmosphere


See also the PhD Thesis Topics offered by ESO Faculty Members (Garching and Chile) and the ESO Santiago Staff and Research page for scientific staff in Chile.

Arnaboldi, Magda


  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Galaxy dynamics    
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies

Coccato, Lodovico

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Galaxy dynamics    
  • Massive black holes
  • Stellar populations
  • Evolved/binary stars 

Personal homepage

De Breuck, Carlos

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Dobrzycki, Adam


  • Quasar surveys
  • X-ray surveys
  • Quasar absorption lines
  • Computational astronomy

Emsellem, Eric

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Stellar populations
  • Simulations

Freudling, Wolfram

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty


Hainaut, Olivier

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  The Sun and the solar system  ·  Faculty



  • Solar system planets/atmospheres
  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Transient objects 

Personal homepage

Hilker, Michael

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty



  • Galaxy dynamics    
  • Stellar populations


Personal homepage

Ivanov, Valentin

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 
  • Exoplanets atmospheres


Personal homepage

Hummel, Christian

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty



  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 
  • Exoplanets atmospheres


Personal Homepage

Beccari, Giacomo

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Stellar populations
  • Galaxy dynamics    
  • Planets-disc interaction

Käufl, Hans-Ulrich (Pensioner)

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  The Sun and the solar system  ·  Pensioner



  • Young stars
  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Evolved/binary stars 

Kerber, Florian

Stellar evolution  ·  Scientists



  • Evolved/binary stars 

Kuntschner, Harald

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Stellar populations
  • Integral-field spectroscopy


Personal homepage

Leibundgut, Bruno

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty



  • Supernovae, variable stars 
  • Environment


Personal homepage

Mainieri, Vincenzo

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty



  • Environment
  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources 


Personal homepage


Diaz Trigo, Maria

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Transient objects 
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 

Moehler, Sabine

Stellar evolution  ·  Scientists

Møller, Palle (Pensioner)

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Pensioner



  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Environment

Padovani, Paolo

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty

Padovani, Paolo


  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources 
  • Neutrino and cosmic-ray astronomy


Personal homepage

Pasquini, Luca

Stellar evolution  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty



  • Spectroscopic Survey Facility 
  • Physics


Patat, Ferdinando

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Supernovae, variable stars 
  • Polarimetry and Spectropolarimetry


Personal homepage

Petr-Gotzens, Monika

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty



  • Young stellar clusters
  • Young binary stars and protoplanetary disks
  • High spatial resolution imaging

Primas, Francesca

Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • (Extra-)Galactic Chemical evolution 
  • Stellar Nucleosynthesis
  • Light elements (LiBeB)

Ramsay, Suzanne

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty



  • Planets-disc interaction

Rejkuba, Marina

Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Stellar populations
  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Supernovae, variable stars 


Personal homepage

Romaniello, Martino

Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty


Schöller, Markus

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Stellar evolution
  • Optical Long Baseline Interferometry
  • Stellar magnetic fields

Siebenmorgen, Ralf

ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty



  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions 


Personal homepage

Spyromilio, Jason

Stellar evolution  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty



  • Supernovae, variable stars 
  • Transient objects 
  • IR spectroscopy
  • High resolution spectroscopy


Personal homepage

Sterzik, Michael

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Astrobiology
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 


Personal homepage

Valenti, Elena

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty



  • Stellar populations
  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 

van den Ancker, Mario

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

van Kampen, Eelco

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty



  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Cosmological simulations


Personal homepage

Vernet, Joël

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • ISM in high-z galaxies 


Personal homepage

Walsh, Jeremy (Pensioner)

Stellar evolution  ·  Pensioner



  • Evolved/binary stars 
  • HII regions
  • Polarimetry


Personal homepage

Wittkowski, Markus

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty



  • Evolved/binary stars 
  • Stellar populations


Personal homepage

Zwaan, Martin

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty



  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Survey/statistical studies 

Personal homepage

Neeser, Mark

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Scientists



  • Galaxy dynamics    

Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty



  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Survey/statistical studies     

Boffin, Henri

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty

Boffin, Henri


  • Stellar populations
  • Evolved/binary stars 
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 


Mroczkowski, Tony

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Andreani, Paola


  • CMB/cosmological parameters 
  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies


Personal homepage

Cirasuolo, Michele

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty

Cirasuolo, Michele


  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Survey/statistical studies 
  • 3D spectroscopy

Lyubenova, Mariya

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty

Lybenova, Mariya


  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Stellar populations
  • Nuclear Star Clusters
  • Massive black holes
  • Integral-field spectroscopy

Personal homepage

Mérand, Antoine

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

Mérand, Antoine


  • Planets’ formation, exoplanets
  • Transient objects  


Personal homepage

Barcons, Xavier

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty

Barcons, Xavier


  • Galaxies/AGN
  • Galaxy evolution/formation
  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources
  • Massive black holes

Manara, Carlo

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty

Manara, Carlo Felice


  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Young stars   


Personal homepage

D´Odorico, Sandro (Astronomer Emeritus)

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty  ·  Pensioner

Sandro D´Odorico

Miotello, Anna

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty

Miotello, Anna


  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Astrochemistry
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarfs 


Personal homepage

Rubin, Adam


Rubin, Adam


  • Supernovae
  • Transients
  • Instrumentation

Comerón, Fernando

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty

Comeron, Fernando


  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions
  • Young stars   

Phillips, Neil Matthew

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

Andreani, Paola


  • Observational techniques, instrumentation and calibration, particularly at radio to sub-mm wavelenghts
  • Evolved/binary stars 
  • Protoplanetary discs

Gilmozzi, Roberto (Astronomer Emeritus)

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty  ·  Pensioner

Andreani, Paola


  • Supernovae, variable stars 

Peroux, Celine

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty

Peroux, Celine


  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • Galaxy dynamics    


Personal homepage

Popesso, Paola

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Popesso, Paola


  • Galaxy evolution/formation
  • Galaxies/AGN
  • Environment

Lacour, Sylvestre

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Scientists

Lacour, Sylvestre

Baade, Dietrich (Astronomer Emeritus)

Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty  ·  Pensioner

Baade, Dietrich


  • Evolved/binary stars
  • Supernovae, variable stars
  • Transient objects 

Popping, Gergely

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Faculty

Popping, Gergely


  • Cosmological simulations
  • ISM in high-z galaxies 


Personal homepage

Macias, Enrique

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty

Macias Quevedo, Enrique


  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction
  • Cycle of dust        

Warmels, Rein (Pensioner)

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Pensioner

Warmels, Rein


  • Clusters/groups of galaxies

Klencki, Jakub

Stellar evolution  ·  Fellows

Klencki, Jakub


  • Young stars   
  • Evolved/binary stars
  • Gravitational-wave astronomy


Personal homepage

Gupta, Aashish

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Gupta, Aashish


  • Planets-disc interaction

Somigliana, Alice

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Somigliana, Alice


  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction

Claes, Rik

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Claes, Rik


  • Young stars   
  • Protoplanetary discs

Verwilghen, Pierrick

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Students

Verwilghen, Pierrick


  • Galaxy dynamics    

Cacciapuoti, Luca

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Cacciapuoti, Luca
  • Exoplanets
  • Planet formation

Kaasinen, Melanie

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Fellows

Kaasinen, Melanie


  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions 


Personal homepage

Sánchez Sáez, Paula

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Faculty

Sánchez Sáez, Paula


  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources 
  • Transient objects
  • Massive black holes 
  • Astrostatistics and astroinformatics (analysis and characterization of large datasets, use of machine learning algorithms to classify and characterize astronomical data)

Personal homepage


Andreani, Paola

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Andreani, Paola


  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • ISM in high-z galaxies
  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Survey/statistical studies
  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources   

Personal homepage

De Cia, Annalisa

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Faculty

De Cia, Annalisa


  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • Environment   

Bayo, Amelia

ISM – star formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

Bayo, Amelia


  • Substellar objects (formation from proto-brown dwarfs to isolated planetary mass objects)
  • Disk evolution (dependence on the mass and multiplicity of the central object)
  • VO and astroinformatics (federated data problems, variability clasification, anomaly detection, etc)


Personal Homepage

Campbell White, Justyn

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Fellows

Campbell-White, Justyn


  • Young stars   
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction
  • Time-resolved observations

Personal Webpage

Toci, Claudia

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Fellows

Toci, Claudia


  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction

Roccetti, Giulia

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  The Sun and the solar system  ·  Students

Roccetti, Giulia


  • Astrobiology
  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Earth atmosphere

Vannieuwenhuyse, Thomas

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students



  • Machine learning

Winterhalder, Thomas

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students



  • Direct imaging of exoplanets
  • Exoplanet atmospheres
  • NIR interferometry
  • High-resolution spectroscopy


Personal homepage

Aru, Mari-Liis

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  The Sun and the solar system  ·  Students

Aru, Marie-Liis


  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Small bodies of the solar system 


Personal homepage

De Simone, Marta

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

De Simone, Marta


  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Astrochemistry

Bollo, Victoria

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

Bollo, Victoria


  • Cosmology – high-redshift universe
  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • ISM in high-z galaxies

Choudhuri, Sankalp

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

Choudhuri, Sankalp


  • CMB/cosmological parameters 
  • Survey/statistical studies 
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies

Karl, Martina

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Fellows



  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources 

Prudil, Zdeněk

Stellar evolution  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Fellows



  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Supernovae, variable stars 
  • Galaxy dynamics    

Personal homepage

Valentino, Francesco

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Fellows



  • Intergalactic/circumgalactic medium 
  • ISM in high-z galaxies 

Personal homepage

Curti, Mirko

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows



  • ISM in high-z galaxies 
  • Applications of machine learning techniques to astronomy
  • Optical and near-infrared multi-object and integral-field spectroscopy (LBT, VLT, JWST)

Mauco, Karina

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Fellows



  • Young stars   
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction


Personal homepage

Barnes, Ashley

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

  • Massive star formation - kinematic, chemistry and physical properties
  • Effects of (pre-supernova) stellar feedback
  • Central molecular zone and disc of the Milky Way
  • Studies across nearby (z<<1) galaxies
  • Submillimeter and centimeter interferometry

Personal homepage

Marini, Ilaria

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Fellows

Marini, Ilaria
  • Cosmology-Cosmological simulations
  • Galaxy evolution/formation
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Galaxies/AGN-Galaxy dynamics

Nogueras Lara, Francisco

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Fellows

Nogueras Lara, Francisco


  • Stellar structure and population of the Milky Way’s centre
  • Dense stellar environments
  • High angular resolution imaging
  • Near infrared astronomy
  • Extinction curve in the infrared
  • Nuclear stellar discs and clusters
  • Galaxy nuclei

Personal homepage

Rodrigues, Xavier

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Fellows

Rodrigues, Xavier
  • Active galaxies
  • Astroparticle theory
  • Multi-messenger modelling

Immer, Katharina

ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty

Immer, Katharina


  • High-mass star formation
  • Masers
  • Galactic structure
  • Central Molecular Zone
  • Astrochemistry

Personal homepage

Toptun, Victoria

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

Victoria Toptun


  • Active galaxies
  • X-ray astronomy
  • Wide-field surveys
  • Black holes

Lohmann, Felipe

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

Felipe Lohmann


  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Cosmological simulations

Piscarreta, Lara

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Lara Piscarreta
  • Star and planet formation and evolution
  • Stellar populations
  • Substellar objects (brown dwarfs)
  • Spectroscopy

Kammerer, Jens

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Fellows

Jens Kammerer


  • Exoplanets atmospheres
  • Planets-disc interaction
  • Planets' formation and evolution
  • Habitable exoplanets
  • Extreme objects/Brown/white dwarf

Personal Homepage

Stacey, Hannah

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Stacey, Hannah


  • ISM in high-z galaxies
  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources

Shi, Yangfan

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction

Viscardi, Elena

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Planets-disc interaction

Jadlovský, Daniel

Stellar evolution  ·  Students

  • Evolved stars
  • Optical interferometry
  • High resolution spectroscopy

Olofsson, Johan

ISM – star formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

  • Debris disks and dust dynamics
  • Dust properties
  • Planet formation and planet-disk interactions

Personal Homepage

Cosentino, Giuliana

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

  • MHD Shocks in the Interstellar Medium
  • Star formation in Molecular Clouds - kinematic, chemistry and dynamics
  • Cloud-Cloud Collisions
  • Feedback from Supernova Remnants and HII regions on Molecular Clouds
  • Submillimeter and Millimeter observations of the Interstellar Medium

Vioque, Miguel

ISM – star formation  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Fellows

Vioque, Miguel


  • Star and planet formation
  • Stellar accretion
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Stellar populations
  • Machine learning and large surveys

Personal Homepage

Hernández Vera, Claudio

ISM – star formation  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

  • Astrochemistry
  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions
  • Protoplanetary discs

Blondin, Stéphane

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Scientists



  • Supernovae and other explosive transients
  • Numerical radiative transfer
  • Spectroscopic analysis algorithms

Personal Homepage

Rottensteiner, Alena

ISM – star formation  ·  Students



  • Star formation regions and their star formation history
  • Stellar groups and clusters
  • Stellar population age determination
  • Machine learning methods

Rutherford, Tomas

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

  • Galaxy evolution
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Dynamical modelling of galaxies

Ivison, Rob (Astronomer Emeritus)

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  Faculty

Ivison, Rob
  • ISM in high-z galaxies

Personal Homepage

Buzzo, Luísa

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Galaxies - AGN  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Students



  • Ultra-diffuse galaxies
  • Globular clusters
  • Astronomical surveys
  • Machine/deep learning

Rajkumar, Anitha Raj

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students



  • Exoplanetary Atmospheres
  • Habitability

Personal Homepage

Ricciardi, Giulia

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Students



  • Protoplanetary disks population proprieties
  • Effects of stellar multiplicity on the disk proprieties
  • Formation process and evolution of multiple systems
  • Astrochemistry
  • Statistics

Alqubelat, Hala

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Stellar evolution  ·  Students

Hala Alqubelat


  • Young stars
  • Protoplanetary discs
  • Astrochemistry

Personal Homepage

Andersen, Morten

Stellar evolution  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Faculty

Andersen, Morten


  • Young stars 
  • Cycle of dust
  • The Initial Mass Function

Concas, Alice

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

Concas, Alice


  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources 
  • Galaxy dynamics 
  • Stellar populations
  • Star-forming regions/molecular clouds/HII regions 


Bodensteiner, Julia

Stellar evolution  ·  Fellows

Bodensteiner, Julia


  • Stellar populations
  • Young stars  
  • Evolved/binary stars  



Personal homepage

Jerabkova, Tereza

Stellar evolution  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Faculty

Jerabkova, Tereza


  • Stellar populations
  • Simulations
  • Spectroscopic/astrometric surveys (Gaia, 4MOST) 


Personal homepage

Nazari, Pooneh

ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

Nazara, Pooneh
  • Organic chemistry in early phases of star formation
  • Planet formation
  • Interstellar molecules
  • Radiative transfer models
  • Submillimeter and infrared astronomy

Personal Homepage

Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia

Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Fellows



  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Galaxy structure
  • Stellar populations
  • Stellar kinematics
  • Integral-field spectroscopyoung stars

Personal Homepage

Mazengo, Daudi

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Students

Daudi Mazengo
  • Survey/statistical studies 
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Environment
  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group 
  • Active galaxies/ high-energy sources
  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Simulations
  • Massive black holes






da Silva Ilva, Gabriele

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Fellows

Gabriele da Silva Ilva
  • Active galaxies/high-energy sources

Csörnyei, Geza

Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Fellows

Geza Csörnyei
  • Supernovae, variable stars
  • Transient objects
  • Survey/statistical studies

Ehrhardt, Juliana

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Juliana Ehrhardt
  • Exoplanets
  • Radial Velocity
  • Hot Jupiters 
  • Debris Disks and Binary Stars

de Isídio, Natanael

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Students

Natanael Gomes de Oliveira Isídio
  • Nearby galaxies
  • Active galaxies
  • Galaxy kinematics and dynamics
  • Clusters/groups of galaxies
  • Environment
  • ISM in high-z galaxies
  • Cosmological simulations

Redaelli, Elena

ISM – star formation  ·  Fellows

Elena Redaelli
  • Star formation
  • Astrochemistry
  • Astrobiology

Rueda Vargas, Silvia

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Students

Silvia Rueda Vargas
  • Active galaxies/AGN
  • Circumgalatic medium

Sureda, Joaquin

Galaxies - AGN  ·  Galaxy evolution formation  ·  Cosmology – high-redshift universe  ·  Students

Joaquin Sureda
  • Simulations
  • Nearby galaxies/Milky Way and the local group
  • Nuclear Star Clusters

Valdivia Mena, Teresa

ISM – star formation  ·  Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Fellows

Teresa Valdivia Mena
  • Astrochemistry
  • Protoplanetary disks
  • Star forming Regions/Molecular clouds
  • ISM kinematics

Zallio, Luigi

Planets’ formation, exoplanets  ·  Students

Luigi Zallio
  • Protoplanetary discs

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