Quantum optics for astronomy

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is currently constructing the next-generation Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), which will revolutionize astronomical imaging. With its 40-meter diameter primary mirror composed of 798 individual hexagonal segments, the ELT will capture images of fainter objects with unprecedented angular resolution. This project pushes the boundaries of current technological capabilities.

But what lies beyond? How can we further enhance sensitivity and angular resolution beyond existing limits? One promising avenue is the application of quantum optical technologies in astronomy.

The aim of this internship is to explore the potential of quantum optics to advance astronomical observation. This will involve conducting an extensive literature review to understand the state-of-the-art in quantum optics, followed by an investigation into how these technologies could be applied in future telescopes.


  • A background in optics or quantum physics
  • Curiosity and motivation to explore cutting-edge technologies

There may also be an opportunity to collaborate with teams working on quantum optical technologies.


Supervisors: Aglaé Kellerer, Oliver Pfuhl