Single Dish 2018 - Practical Information

Contact and Registration

E-mail, phone and fax number

Conference e-mail:

Contact phone number: +49 89 320 060 (ESO Reception Desk)
Contact fax number: +49 89 320 23 62


You can register in front of the Telescopium Auditorium Telescopium at ESO between 08:30 and 09:00 on Thursday, 15 March or later in the meeting breaks.

Registration Fee

There will be a registration fee, payable in advance via credit card at Registration. Note that we cannot accept payments on site at ESO.

Workshop venue

The workshop will be held in the ESO Auditorium Telescopium, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, Garching b. München. This is located in the old ESO Headquarter Building.

Travelling to Garching

Garching lies about 13 km north-east of Munich and 17 km south-west of Munich international airport  (Franz Josef Strauss). Please follow these instructions to travel to Garching.

See this Overview for an indicative summary, with some caveats, of public transportpossibilities between the airport, Garching, ESO, Ismaning and Munich city centre. We recommend to consult the electronic time tables of the Munich tranportation network MVV, and of the GermanRailways.

Instructions for travelling to the workshop venue

We advise all participants to travel to the workshop venue withthe underground train (U-Bahn), line U6. The U-Bahn stationin Garching is centrally located and within close reach of all hotelsand is indicated with a large blue "U"-sign. Take the underground train(U-Bahn) line U6, with destination "Garching Forschungszentrum" (Garching Research Campus) - this is the last stop on the line. Exit the station at the rear end of the train and follow the sign for ESO (see map). Here is some more information on the use of public transport. Timetables can be found here.

ESO Maps

Maps of the ESO Headquarters Building and the Garching Forschungszentrum Campus available here and here. Please use the ESO main entrance (up the ramp with the flagpoles) as indicated by the blue line on the campus map and location 1 on the ESO map.


The average temperature in Munich is 14 C in September, with a typical range of 9 - 19 C. It typically rains on about 15 days in the month. For more information, see Weather Online.

Contact phone and fax number

Contact phone number: +49 89 320 060 (ESO Reception Desk)
Contact fax numbers: +49 89 320 23 62

Internet and email

Open wireless internet is available in most parts of the ESO building.



For the tutorials, please bring a modern Linux or Mac laptop  with the software package  installed (see below). You will need about 60 GB free space (more is always helpful) to complete the tutorials. The full dataset we plan to use for the single dish - array combination tutorial is about 25 GB. Please make sure to download the date in advance (linke will follow). The condensed dataset you will actually work with is much smaller, around 200 MB.

We plan to have a HD or USB key with the data available. So, if you cannot download those 25 GB you can do it before the practical work starts at ESO.

Note that running in a virtual machine, via a remote link, or using an external disk for the data you are currently working on, is usually NOT satisfactory.

Package downloads

We expect the participants have already installed and tested the required software of their laptop computers:

Our GitHub page ( will be used for updates on the required packages.

Data Download

Please consult our GitHub ( for the latest updates on data downloads.


We plan to maintain a github repo, which will be used to communicate lecture material on the fly during the workshop. Even if you don't know git, you only need to grab the repository once:
      git clone

and any subsequent time you update this by somewhere inside the sd2018 directory typing the command

      cd sd2018
      git pull.

Upon request we can set up a session how to properly create a (github) pull request.


If you have any installation problems, then in the first instance please seek local help. At ESO we may be able to provide limited troubleshooting support at the workshop but there will not be time to help more than a few people.

If you still have a problem after seeking support locally, then email This will give us an idea of support requirements and we may be able to diagnose common problems remotely.

The tutorials will be done on already calibrated datasets, so the participants can concentrate on the specific single dish issues, and on the combination with interferometer data. Depending on the interest and the range of expertise level of the participants, there will be two different tutorials per topic.


Bank service

There are banks and cash-points in Garching, at many locations in central Munich, and at the airport. All main credit and debit cards are accepted (with PIN code). Please note that the banks may close during lunch time and have opening hours differing from shops. There is also a cash-point (Kreissparkasse) on the Campus, at the bus stop Lichtenbergstrasse 4 (TUM Chemie).

Useful links

Deutsche Bahn (German Railways)
Munich public transport (MVV)
Munich Airport
Munich Tourist Office
Bayerische Staatsoper (The Munich Opera House)
Cinemas in Munich
Restaurants in Garching