ESO/OPTICON School on the Use and Data Reduction of X-Shooter and KMOS (Garching, May 9-13, 2016)

Garching, May 9-13, 2016
During one week of intense work, this NEON Archive School will give the participants the chance to gain hands-on experience on data reduction tools for the X-Shooter and KMOS instruments. Additional training will include proposal preparation tools. The school is targeted to all type of astronomers, including PhD students, advanced MSc's, junior Postdocs, as well as senior researchers. The expected number of participants is about 25.
Costs and Lodging
There is no registration costs, and the workshop is supported by the financial contribution of Opticon. Participants are expected to cover their travel, lodging and meal expenses (see however below Financial Support). Below a non-exhaustive list of hotels in Garching:
As an alternative to hotels, the participants may be accomodated in ESO apartments, which may involve shared accomodations (2 to 3 persons per apartment, price is varying and of the order of 40 EUR/person/night). This should be requested in the registration form, and will be granted only on the basis of availability.
Financial Support
A contribution to travel or lodging expenses can be granted by Opticon on a duly justified case by case basis (details to be explained on the registration form)
The school is taking place at ESO headquarters in Garching, Germany.
Travel information will be added soon.
Registration is closed. No late registrations can be accepted, because the maximum school occupancy has been reached.
Please do not proceed with any bookings until your participation is confirmed after around 30 March 2016.
Important dates
Registration deadline: March 5, 2016
Outcome of the selection process: around March 30, 2016
School starts: May 9, 2016
End of School: May 13, 2016
School email:
Sponsors: ESO and Opticon