Scientific Programme

REGISTRATION at the Buergersaal, Ismaning: February 25, 12:30-13:30

Program Overview

  • Monday, February 25: ELT projects and first light science
  • Tuesday morning, February 26: Mid-infrared astronomy on the E-ELT
  • Tuesday afternoon, February 26: Extra-galactic astronomy with high spectral resolving power
  • Wednesday morning, February 27: Galactic astronomy with high spectral resolving power
  • Wednesday afternoon: Multi-object spectroscopy on the E-ELT
  • Thursday morning, February 28: Multi-object spectroscopy with the E-ELT
  • Thursday afternoon, February 28: Future instrument concepts and science cases
  • Friday, March 1: Discussion sessions

Abstracts for the talks are available in a PDF file via this link. PDFs of each presentation can be viewed by clicking on the title.

Poster sessions

Posters will be on display from Monday to Thursday and can be viewed at the coffee breaks during the meeting.

Abstracts for the posters are available in a PDF file via this link and also via the Poster Papers link.

Welcome Reception

There will be a "Bier & Brez'n" Welcome Reception after the Monday session at the workshop venue.

Monday February 25
Location: Buergersaal, Ismaning, Erich-Zeitler-Strasse 2
Session 1: ELT projects and first light science
Tim de Zeeuw

Alistair McPherson
Status of the E-ELT project
14:05 Mark Casali
The E-ELT instrumentation roadmap
14:25 Emiliano Diolaiti
The MAORY MCAO module for the E-ELT
14:45 George Jacoby The instrumentation plans for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
15:15 Luc Simard TMT instrumentation: first-light and beyond
15:45 - 16:15
Coffee Break
Niranjan Thatte
HARMONI: the first-light visible and near-IR spectrograph for the E-ELT
Ric Davies
MICADO: the E-ELT first-light imaging camera
Gael Chauvin
Exoplanetology with the E-ELT first-light instruments
Seppo Mattila
Adaptive Optics-assisted detection and study of supernovae
Tuesday February 26
Location: Buergersaal, Ismaning, Erich-Zeitler-Strasse 2
Session 2: Mid Infrared astronomy with the E-ELT
Bernhard Brandl METIS - Science case and instrument specification

João Alves/

Joana Ascenso

Star and planet formation in the ELT era
10:00 Martin Groenewegen Mid-IR astronomy with the E-ELT: the case for evolved stars
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break/Posters
Josef Hron
Study of evolved stars and their circumstellar environment in the mid-infrared
Rene Oudmaijer Mid-infrared studies of massive young stellar objects
Andrea Stolte Simulating E-ELT starburst cluster observations with METIS
Ignas Snellen Probing exoplanet atmospheres at high spectral resolution using METIS and HIRES
12:40 Wolfgang Brandner Direct imaging of planets with METIS
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break
Session 3a: Extra-galactic astronomy with high spectral resolving power
14:30 Max Pettini Near-pristine gas at high redshifts: prospects for the E-ELT
15:00 Valentina D'Odorico Shaping the metal enrichment history of the intergalactic medium with a high-resolution spectrograph at the E-ELT
15:30 Roberto Maiolino Towards the science case for HIRES
15:50 Pauline Vielzeuf Probing dark energy beyond z=2 with CODEX
16:10 - 16:40 Coffee Break/Posters
16:40 Stefano Cristiani The intergalactic medium as a cosmological probe
17:00 Sandra Savaglio Ultra-luminous supernovae at high redshift
17:20 Martin Haehnelt IGM tomography with the E-ELT
Wednesday February 27
Location: Buergersaal, Ismaning, Erich-Zeitler-Strasse 2
Session 3b: Galactic astronomy with high spectral resolving power
Jay Farihi
Archaeology of exo-terrestrial planetary systems: a long view science case for UV-Red coverage for an ELT-HIRES instrument
09:30 Didier Queloz
Setting the stage for exoplanet atmosphere studies with NGTS and CHEOPS
09:50 Miwa Goto Spatially resolved infrared spectroscopy for the study of protoplanetary disks - lessons learned from CRIRES and SINFONI
10:10 Leonardo Testi Disk-star interaction and evolution at the time of planet formation
10:30 Markus Kasper Roadmap for PCS
10:50 - 11:30
Coffee Break/Posters
Eike Guenther Planets in the Galactic Bulge and in nearby dwarf galaxies
Nuno Santos Towards the detection of optical reflected light from other worlds
Paolo Molaro Detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in the 6th June 2012 Venus transit: a test bench for the study of other Earths with HIRES at the ELT
Livia Origlia
High-resolution IR spectroscopy over the full 0.95-2.45 micron spectral range: first results from GIANO
12:50 - 14:20
Lunch Break
Session 4a: Multi-object spectroscopy on the E-ELT
14:20 James Dunlop
E-ELT and Galaxies in the first billion years
14:50 Danny Lennon
Massive stars, big questions, and the E-ELT
15:20 Jean-Paul Kneib
Unveiling the first galaxies at the epoch of reionisation through E-ELT and cosmic lenses
15:40 Olivier Le Fèvre
Galaxy formation and assembly with an imaging multi-object spectrograph
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break/Posters
16:30 François Hammer
Galaxy mass assembly with the ELT-MOS: lessons from the VLT & HST IMAGES survey
16:50 Jean-Gabriel Cuby
Science requirements and instrument concepts for a high-definition mode for the ELT-MOS
17:10 Chris Evans
Science requirements for a multi-object spectrograph on the E-ELT
17:30 Hector Flores
Spatially resolved kinematics and star formation in distant galaxies
Thursday February 28
Location: Buergersaal, Ismaning, Erich-Zeitler-Strasse 2
Session 4b: Multi-object spectroscopy on the E-ELT
Norbert Przybilla Supergiant studies out to Virgo and Fornax: instrumental requirements for a multi-object spectrograph on the E-ELT
Beatriz Barbuy The Galactic Bulge and its globular clusters
10:00 Thierry Lanz Spectroscopy of resolved stellar populations in the Local Group
10:20 Piercarlo Bonifacio The extremely metal-poor stars in external galaxies
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break/Posters
Lex Kaper A high-multiplex fibre-fed MOS for the E-ELT
Ben Davies Stellar spectroscopy beyond the Local Group with the E-ELT
Stefano Zibetti Stellar populations in intermediate-/ high-redshift galaxies with E-ELT-MOS
Dimitri Gadotti Strengthening the case for deployable IFUs at the E-ELT
12:30 Jose Afonso Dissecting the first radio galaxies with the E-ELT
12:50 - 14:20 Lunch Break
Session 5: Future instrument concepts and science cases
14:20 Roland Bacon Is a MUSE-like instrument feasible for the E-ELT?
14:40 Dainis Dravins Diffraction-limited E-ELT imaging in the blue with intensity interferometry
15:00 Martin Roth Extreme multiplex spectroscopy at the E-ELT
15:20 - 15:50 Coffee Break/Posters
15:50 Klaus Strassmeier A polarimetric focal station for a fibre-fed high-resolution spectrograph on the E-ELT
16:10 Roberto Ragazzoni NGSs only on AO for the E-ELT
16:30 Annalisa Calamida
Galactic globular cluster absolute ages by observing white dwarfs with the E-ELT
16:50 Giuliana Fiorentino Blue Compact dwarf galaxies as seen by E-ELT
Friday March 1
Location: ESO HQ, Garching, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
Discussion Session
09:00 - 10:30
Splinter discussion sessions
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00
Joint discussions based on splinter groups
12:00 - 12:15
Conference summary
12:15 Conference end