W. Müller
Proposed organigram for the ESO 3.6-metre telescope project
The Swiss 0.4-metre telescope in 1976
Time schedule for TP staff
Map of Antofagasta
VLT image of the Carina Nebula in infrared light
Helix Nebula
Helix Nebula (infrared)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Ars Electronica Show
Ars Electronica Show
The Technical Museum of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
ARS Electronica Show
Antenna Galaxies
Screenshot of the ESO Outreach Community Newsletter
ESO background image for MySpace
Science tunnel
Tycho Brahe Planetarium
Hamburg Planetarium
Zeiss Planetarium Bochum
Navegar foundation – Centro Multimeios Espinho
Eugenides Foundation
Blackrock Castle Observatory
Santiago in winter
Santiago in winter
ESO stand at the SOCHIAS Meeting 2009
Snow-covered Vitacura premises
Science retreat in La Serena
The VLT’s primary and tertiary mirrors
Racing green endurance
Racing Green Endurance
The EVALSO leaflet
ESO 40 Years (1962 - 2002)
Speed sign
Parking sign
Brief history of the telescope
An 8.2-m VLT Unit Telescope with the FORS and CONICA instruments
Building a VISTA image
Omega Centauri with the NTT
TORTORA light curve
ESO invita a contar estrellas
Observatorio Paranal y ALMA en FIDAE 2006
Charon's occultation on July 11, 2005
Radial velocity curve of Gliese 581 (HARPS/3.6m)
Sub-millimetre image of a stellar cradle
Spectral energy distribution of GRB 050904
Light curves of the black-hole GU Muscae
Computerworld honors program 21st Century Achievement Award
Positions of 2M1207A and of its companion
Colour-magnitude diagram of 2341 stars towards N214C
Spectrum of the companion of GQ Lupi
Observed separation between GQ Lupi and its companion
Properties of young massive clusters
The double main sequence of Omega Centauri
Average spectra of the blue and red population stars
Brightness "dip" and velocity variations of OGLE-TR-122
Spectrum of two regions on Titan
Mid-IR spectra of HD 142527 inner disc and common dust types
Mid-IR spectra of comets and protoplanetary discs
Pulsation of the cepheid variable L Car
Period-luminosity relation for cepheids
Velocity variation of mu Arae observed by HARPS
"Velocity curve" of mu Arae
Details of the meteor spectrum (FORS1/VLT)
Optical spectrum of the bipolar nebula
Velocity variations caused by two transiting exoplanets
Relative changes with redshift of the fine structure constant
Zoom-in on a possible cluster of galaxies (in box)
XMM-Newton contour map overlaid on a CFHT I-band image
Spectra of virgo intracluster HII region
Lyman-alpha forest in QSO HE2217-2818
Mass function of globular clusters
Observations of comet Hale-Bopp from La Silla
Observations of comet Hale-Bopp from La Silla
Minor planet (4015) / comet Wilson–Harrington
The lightcurve of Supernova 1987A
Deneb observed with the VLT Adaptive Optics Prototype System
The VLT Adaptive Optics prototype system
The large jet in the HH-111 complex
Eclipse of Pluto on April 2, 1986
Exploded view of the MICADO instrument
La Ministra Etcheverry en la ventana del Large Integration Hall en la sede de ESO
ESO Council President Tom Ray sailing
MUSE observations and artist's impression of the HH 1177 young star system
MORFEO (artist's impression)
MICADO instrument schematic
Crowded stellar fields
Planetary spectra
Full sky map of bright quasars
Self reference problem
Black hole mass as a function of angular size distance
Series of position-velocity diagrams of G2 obtained with SINFONI at the VLT
Ring formation around extrasolar planet
Illustrating the constraining power of redshift drift measurements by the ELT for various cosmological models