Henri M.J. Boffin

The Hubble Space Telescope in orbit

Our Place in Space logo

Art installation of Our Place in Space in Chiavenna

Afiche Ciencia FEST: Sumérgete en el festival oceánico

The back of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

Participants of conference

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters

The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer

The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer

Deformable secondary mirror transport box

QUEST camera

Deformable secondary mirror

Building the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

Gravity sensor

At the VLT control room

La Silla explorations

Map of South Africa


La Serena street scene

Bosker and Edward

ESO HQ upgrade project

HQ extension

VLT in the modern era

REOSC reception

VLT presentation to industry

Map of ESO's Member States

Assembling the ESO 1-metre telescope

Assembling the ESO 1-metre telescope

Blasting rocks for La Silla

HST STS-61 press conference

Equipment at Rockdale Mountain

Equipment at Flathill

Living near the Table Mountain

The car wash after work

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

Universum für Alle: new book showcases ESO images

Artist’s impression of Orion KL

Artist’s impression of the E-ELT

Joe Liske (Dr. J)

Second meeting of the ESO Council

Architectural model

Dr. Dominique Proust

Stargazing in the desert

Desert bloom

Exposure controller in the Sky Atlas Laboratory

Ten years of VLTI

Screenshot of ESO virtual tours 360° at the Chajnantor plateau over the Licancabur Volcano

The winner of a contest organised by the Süddeutsche Zeitung visits Paranal

Cerro Paranal - the exceptional site for the VLT (1991)

Brazil to join the European Southern Observatory

Mysterious GEMINGA on the move

The asymetric shape of the coma of comet Hyakutake

ELT size (artist's impression)

Paranal highlights

Ten years of VLTI


X-SHOOTER handling tool

X-SHOOTER handling tool

Astronet logo

Uranium in the spectrum of an old star

Change in the rotation of 2000 PH5

ESFRI report 2006

Radial velocities of SWEEPS-04 (UVES/VLT)

Average spectra of distant galaxies

ALMA logo

Emission from the terrestrial atmosphere

Observed brightness variation of OGLE-TR-3

Spectrum of the distant galaxy MS 1512-cB58

"Joint" Stellar light-spot

"Visibility Curve" of the star Psi Phoenicis

Finding chart for very young brown dwarfs in the Orion Nebula

The light-curve of microlensing event EROS-BLG-2000-5

Metals in Sagittarius dwarf galaxy

Map of the obscuration in the dark cloud B68

Starforming galaxy at redshift 0.62

Image quality of the VLT

Light curve of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae

Young astronomers observe with ESO telescopes

Minor planet 1992 AD

Images of Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact on Jupiter

Raising the Chilean flag during La Silla opening ceremony

Artist's impression of the Gaia-ESO Survey

ESO participates in Germany’s Girls’ Day activities

Julien Milli

Tania Johnston

Hubble observes first kilonova

Winner of 2016 De Zeeuw-Van Dishoeck Graduation Prize for Astronomy announced

The front of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

ESO on social media

Bonfire at APEX/Sequitor

ESO Director General visits the Optical Ground Station at Teide Observatory (Tenerife)

The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer

Minister Heubisch and Tim de Zeeuw


Almost there

Inaugural observations with the VLT

REOSC contract signing

Contract signing between ESO and Interbeton

Contract signing between ESO and Interbeton

Contract signing between ESO and Interbeton


Controlled explosion during construction at La Silla

Keep back

Catch a Star 2007 winners visit Paranal

La Silla of the future...?

The first aid hut of Camp Pelicano

Camp Pelicano at La Silla

La Silla hotel

Site testing, Namibia

Vitacura, 1968

Worker signaling during La Silla construction

Inauguration of the road to La Silla observatory

The road to La Silla observatory the day of its inauguration

The long and winding road to La Silla observatory

The Pelicano Camp, the entrance to the La Silla observatory.

Building the Pelicano Camp

Memories from the construction of the Pelicano Camp and La Silla observatory

ALMA antennas in the distance

Constructing La Silla observatory and the Pelicano Camp

General view of the Pelicano Camp, the entrance to La Silla

La Silla observatory under construction

La Silla observatory under construction

La Silla observatory under construction

La Silla observatory under construction

Staff accommodation at La Silla in the 1960s

Constrion of La Silla observatory

The NTT, cover of the Sky & Telescope Magazine in September 1989

Site testing on La Silla observatory

VLT Venice conference group picture

Paranal in 1987

Surroundings of San Pedro de Atacama

Jerez ravine

Users' room in ESO HQ

Future astronomers during lunch break

Future astronomers

Future astronomers in the laboratory

Future astronomers of Europe

Young astronomers at La Silla

Future astronomers

HST STS-61 press conference opening

Claude Nicollier talks in HST STS-61 press conference

ESO HQ from the air in the 1980s

1962 at the Zeekoegat Station

Danjon telescope at the Zeekoegat Station

Small telescopes of La Silla

La Silla by air, 1966

Close-up of the hotel site during construction.

La Silla hotel plan

Taking notes inside the Rondavel

Setting up the equipment

Living at Zeekoegat

Settling in at Zeekoegat

Sunset or sunrise?

Once upon a time

Checking equipment

Equipment at Rockdale Mountain

At Rockdale Mountain

Equipment at Rockdale Mountain

Equipment at Rockdale Mountain

Crewmembers at Flathill observing site

Housing for La Silla workers

Living near the Table Mountain

Site testing in South Africa

Staff housing on Klaverlei Farm

Dramatic sky above the Table Mountain

The road to Klaverlei in a fog

At Flathill observing site

At Flathill observing site

ALMA compact array

Site testing in the 1960s

Doornenbal site test

Canadian TV visits Paranal

Dry as a desert

Staff quarters

Finance Committee visit

Reinhard Genzel, recipient of the 2012 Tycho Brahe Prize

Daniel Enard working on the site testing at Cerro Armazones

Car accident near La Silla

View of Cerro Armazones from Paranal

Otto Heckmann during an IAU meeting

Künstlerische Darstellung des E-ELT-Hauptspiegelmodells

Screenshot of ESO virtual tours 360° for the Milky Way Tour

Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2011 (CAP 2011)

Supernova 1994D in the galaxy NGC 4526

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 04

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 03

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 02

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 01

ALMA antenna model 04

ALMA antenna model 02


OPTIMOS-EVE study team and study final review board

OPTIMOS-DIORAMAS study team and study final review board

Profile shot of X-shooter

VLT mirror coating plant

VLT mirror coating plant

VLT fibre positioner

VLT mirror coating plant

Construction crane on the VLT platform


VLTI siderostat

Light-curve of GRB 060614

CN (388 nm) spectrum of comet Tempel 1

Spectrum of the extremely distant galaxy z6VDF J022803-041618

Intracluster nebulae in Virgo cluster of galaxies

Oscillation frequencies in the giant star xi Hya

Interferometric fringes from the star Achernar

Coronal Fe XIII emission line in CN Leonis

Recoating Yepun's mirror

Metals in DLA system at z=3.39

NN Ser spectrum during total eclipse

NN Ser light curve around total eclipse

Spectrum of distant galaxy EIS 107

The 304 A He + absorption line in the spectrum of quasar HE 2347-4342