Venus transit conference in Paris

CCD wafer detail

Venice workshop

CCD holder

CCD for VLT test camera

Venice workshop

Venus transit June 2004

The coating plant for the VLT


VLT Survey Telescope

VLT M1 mirror

The coating plant for the VLT

VLT M1 coating tank


VLT M1 coating tank

Venus transit conference in Paris


Venus transit June 2004

VLT M1 coating tank

CCD holder

Continuous flow cryostat

Astrophotographer Stéphane Guisard

Distance chart for imaged exoplanets from host stars

Evolution of SN 2006X spectrum

Spectra of the candidate 'Planemos'

Formation process of the planetary system around HD 69830

Stars in the solar neighbourhood

The spiral rebuilding scenario

Orbit of the ultra-cool stars in 2MASSW J0746425+2000321

Venus transit poster

Light curves of four Mira-type variable stars in Centaurus A

Near-infrared spectrum of Epsilon Indi B

First steps towards a 2D interferometric image

Spectrum of RX J0806.3+1527

ISAAC spectrum of star from GRS 1915+105 binary system

Lithium-6 in HD 82943

H-alpha line strength of EROS-BLG-2000-5

Spectrum of the optical counterpart of GRB 000131

Metal-line system at z=2.18 in quasar system

Number-density evolution of Lyman-alpha line

Light curve of Crab Pulsar

Spectrum of quasar 0046-282 at z=3.83

ESO imaging survey provides targets for the VLT

The spectrum of the brown dwarf KELU-1

Comet 1P/Halley

Adaptive optics at the ESO 3.6 m telescope

Thorium and neodymium in the old star HR 509

Strategic partnership discussions between Australia and ESO

Consular Corps in Bavaria visit ESO HQ and Supernova

Cover of The Messenger No. 166

Frank Holig portrait

ALMA expands its power into global interferometry

Tombola Dell'Universo

One of the fastest supercomputers in the world

Road to Armazones started

Poster for the IMAX® 3D movie Hidden Universe

Visions of the Universe exhibition opens its doors

Fifteen years of the Very Large Telescope

Fifteen years of the Very Large Telescope

REOSC plant

VLT first light press conference

VLT first light press conference

Cameramen during VLT first light press conference

Hans-Emil Schuster and Jorge Condon

ALMA antenna

ALMA antennas

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

The VLT at Paranal Observatory

Star separator for the VLT Interferometer under test at TNO

ESO images and model of the E-ELT at the CELAC-EU summit in Santiago

El auditorio de Física de la Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN), sede Antofagasta

Poster of Café & Kosmos 10 July 2012

VLT exhibition

GalileoMobile visits Paranal

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ESO 1-metre telescope

ALMA production line

Licancabur volcano and a llama

Participants of the Groningen conference

Middle of the mountain

Pelicano camp, 1966

La Silla mountain view

Mountain portrait

Archive footage

Blast from the past

La Silla in 1966

La Silla from above

Mountain road

Photographic plate refrigerator

Shooting of Fill Us With Fire video with Erasure singer Andy Bell

ALMA Santiago central office entrance

ESO Vitacura offices in 1969

La Silla under snow

Map of Chile from Congreso del Futuro

Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor at La Silla

Final convention paper

Formation and Early Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

Path of the shadow of the dwarf planet Eris during the occultation of November 2010 (artist's impression)

Views of the Horsehead Nebula

The spectrum of a star that should not exist

Open House Day 2011

Construction of the ESO 1-metre Schmidt telescope

ESO exhibition at the Swedish embassy

Pepper trees at Paranal

Our Season’s greetings e-card

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model

Volume phase holographic gratings

ALMA work at the NRAO Technology Center

Testing fibre optic receivers for ALMA





CCD connectors

ESO Workshop on Detectors for Astronomy

International Dark-Sky Association


ISAAC filter wheel

ISAAC cold structure

Laser Guide Star laboratory

Laser laboratory


UVES being assembled

Adaptive optics deformable mirror

Laser Guide Star facility

International Dark-Sky Association

Image from Cosmic Origins

Laser laboratory

UVES being assembled

UVES beam splitter


ESO mini workshop on large CCDs

In Search of our Cosmic Origins logos

Galileo's first observations with a telescope

Dark matter and stellar mass in distant galaxies

The cepheid period-luminosity in the near-infrared

Sky field in Virgo cluster of galaxies

Spectra from faint, distant galaxies

Spectrum of quasar PKS 1232+0815 with neutral carbon lines at z=2.34

Spectrum of 24.5-mag quasar in MS1008 field

CD galaxy in the Abell 496 field

Disturbed spiral galaxy in the Abell 496 field

Spectrum of white dwarf stars in NGC 6397

Spectrum of star-forming galaxies at z=0.62

IR spectrum of radio galaxy at z=2.4

Total optical control

Comet Hyakutake

Classification of SN 1995K

Bubbles around the dying star OH231.8+4.2

Logos de ESO, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, Ministerio de Ciencia de Chile, Gobierno Regional de Antofagasta y Gobierno Regional de Coquimbo

Montaje artístico de los distintos sitios de observación de ESO

Professor Reinhard Genzel at the Paranal Observatory

Professor Reinhard at the Paranal Observatory

Professor Reinhard at the Paranal Observatory

Professor Reinhard at the Paranal Observatory

ESO Media Advisory

Consular Corps in Bavaria visit ESO HQ

Consular Corps in Bavaria visit ESO HQ and Supernova

Consular Corps in Bavaria visits ESO HQ

The sky around the triple-star system HD 131399

Foyer area

Rooftop terrace

Exhibition area (2nd floor)

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

Meeting room

The Void

Archeology in astronomy

Power in processing

Tombola Dell'Universo

ESO Ultra HD Expedition logo

Poster: International Max Planck Research School on Astrophysics

View from the VLT platform

Night sky above Flathill

View of Flathill observing site

Living near the Table Mountain

Close-up on ALMA's antennas

Atacama panorama

Dome under construction

Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Bird's eye view

La Silla from Pelicano

Kapteyn photometer

REOSC optical laboratory

Hypersensitisation tank for Schmidt plates

Chill in the air

Season’s greetings from the European Southern Observatory!

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 05

ALMA antenna model 01


Top 10 buildings of the decade (Guardian)


CRIRES cold structure

ISAAC cold structure

VLT test camera in the optical laboratory

VLT adaptor rotator

CRIRES grating


CRIRES grating

The Chilean desert

The ALMA Observatory

The Milky Way band

The spectrum of the quasar PKS 1251-407

Radial velocity measurements of HD 69830

Luminosity - oxygen abundance relation for galaxies

Optical spectrum of SN 2001el and fractional polarisation

Spectra of the RXS J1131-1231 lensing system

Spectrum of OGLE-TR-3