Planet Beta Pictoris seen with the NACO APP (annotated)

A star seen with the NACO APP

VST-Aufnahme der Kilonova in NGC 4993

The system SCR 1845-6357 (NACO-SDI/VLT)

Observed spectrum of the old star CS 31082-001

Uranium in a very old star

Spectrum of GRB 990510 afterglow

Lithium in giant Star 850 in stellar cluster Be21

Unexplained brightening of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae

The velocity curve of star from GRS 1915+105 binary system

Very sharp images with the ESO NTT at "first light''

An eclipse of PG 1550+131

Milky Way central part

Disc around the young star HD 163296 (observations+model)

Der Sternhaufen NGC 3590

The Solar Twin HIP 102152 in the constellation of Capricornus

Das Herbig-Haro-Objekt HH 46/47 im Sternbild Vela

Die Position des Systems Oph-IRS 48 im Sternbild Ophiuchus

Der Mutterstern des bekannten Exoplaneten Tau Bootis b

Aufsuchkarte für Barnard 211 und 213 im Sternbild Stier

The Fried Egg Nebula in the constellation of Scorpius

Mid-IR spectra of inner and outer discs around three young stars

High-resolution spectrum of the star HD100623

Spectra of stars with different metal content