called by processQC from $DFS_PRODUCT/IFS_DARK/$DATE as
qc_IFS_DARK -a $AB -u sphere -level 1 2\>\&1 \> $DFS_LOG/$AB.qclog
meaning output is logged to $DFS_LOG/$AB.qclog !!!
quality control script for SPHERE IFS DARK pipeline products
level 0 : debug case, only inplicit call of writeQC scoreQC.
level 1 : calls ${HOME}/python/ -a $AB
and calls ${HOME}/progs/ -a $AB
QC1 parameters written into QC1 table:
QC.MEDIANMASTER, qc_med median dark level
QCRON (LOCAL), qc_ron from QC script
QC.NUM.HOTPIXELS, qc_num_hotpix number of hot pixel