The application deadline for the submitted form and reference letter is 28 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
All applications must be submitted through the application form (in English) before the deadline. We will not accept applications sent over email.
Steps of Application
1. Ensure that you fullfill the eligibility requirements.
2. Ensure that you have agreement from your referee to submit a letter for you before the application deadline*.
3. Prepare your answers to the questions in the application form. (We recommend doing this in a text editor first because you can not save the form and return to it later.) In this link you can find a PDF file which lists all the questions included in the application form. You can use it to familiarise yourself with the questions in the form, after which you should provide your answers in the on-line application form.
4. Fill out the application form and submit it. Please, note that you will not receive any email confirmation of your submission. Once you have subtmitted your aplication, a message will be shown confirming that your application has been received and properly recorded. Please, do not contact us to ask for further confirmation of receipt. If you experience significant problems and do not see the successful completion message in the application form interface after multiple attempts to submit the form, please try using an alternative browser and do not hesitate to contact us if you experience further problems.
* The reference letter email should clearly indicate the name of the student that the letter refers to in the subject line of the email. The letter should be written by a lecturer/professor who is able to comment on your academic/research achievements to-date. It is important that you obtain agreement from the person writing your reference letter before submitting the application form and that the referee knows that they should comment on your achievements, strengths and capabilities and provide an overall judgement on the prospective benefits of your participation in the programme. Reference letters will be taken into account when making the final decisions but if you do not have anyone who can write you a letter, feel free to still apply and your application will be considered.
In case of any difficulties or questions contact us at: