
Monday, 16 September - Setting the scene day
15:00-15:30   Welcome Coffee & registration
15:30-15:35   Tereza Jerabkova Welcome & Practical information
15:35-16:00 Invited  Michal Zajacek Active Galactic Nuclei & Czech Space telescope QUVIK
16:15-17:00 Invited  Pavel Jachym ALMA overview and updates, Czech ALMA node & jellyfish galaxies
17:15-19:00 Welcome drink, participant introduction acitivites
Tuesday, 17 September - Galactic outflows
  session chair: Dan Hu microphone chair: Matěj Bárta
09:30-10:00 Highlight long Barbara Mazzilli Ciraulo Anatomy of cold outflow filaments in GECKOS winds
10:00-10:15 Highlight Alejandro Olvera Exploring Metallicity and Gas Flows in NGC 99 through Multi-Wavelength Spectroscopy
10:15-10:30 Highlight Alain Andrade The SagDIG HII-region: possible outflows through and a gas-phase analysis using the electron-temperature sensitive method in the IFU era
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break  
  session chair: Izzy Garland microphone chair: Monika Pikhartová
11:00-11:15 Highlight Bronwyn Reichardt Chu Star formation-driven outflows at ~500 pc resolution
11:15-11:30 Highlight Archana Aravindan Understanding the effect of AGN-driven outflows on star-formation in dwarf galaxies using JWST
11:30-11:45 Highlight Antonino Marasco The gentle gas circulation of present-day star forming galaxies 
12:45-12:00 Highlight Capucine Barfety New Constraints on Molecular Gas Outflows in Massive SFGs at Cosmic Noon
12:00-12:15 Highlight Elizabeth Taylor Not dead yet: high-velocity outflows seen in old z > 1 recently quenched galaxies
12:30-14:00 Lunch    
  session chair: Tomáš Plšek microphone chair:
14:00-14:15 Contributed Matej Barta Molecular outflows in local galaxies
  Contributed Ivanna Langan Molecular outflows and extended cold gas in and around high-redshift galaxies
14:15-14:45 Invited Jorryt Matthee Spectroscopic and Tomographic observations of galaxies in the first Gyr: now and in the future
14:45-14:50     Discussion session Introduction
14:50-16:15 Coffee Break + Discussion in groups  
16:15-17:00 Joined session Filipo Fraternali, Antonino Marasco, Ivanna Langman, Bron Reichardt Chu
Wednesday, 18 September - The stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF)
  session chair: Bronwyn Reichardt Chu microphone chair: Izzy Garland
09:30-10:00 Invited  Zhiqiang Yan Constraining Galactic Outflow and IMF with Chemical Tracers of Giant Stars
10:00-10:30 Invited  Alina Boeker Capturing IMF variations in observations and simulations - how far along are we?
10:30-10:45 Highlight Ankur Upadhyaya Evidence for very massive stars in extremely UV-bright star-forming galaxies at z ? 2.2-3.6.
10:45-11:00 Highlight Prasad Sawant The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Unveiling the baryon cycle in z ~ 5 star forming galaxies
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break  
  session chair:   microphone chair:
11:30-11:45 Highlight Eda Gjergo Probing the origin of heavy isotopes in dwarf galaxies with a variable initial mass function
11:45-12:00 Highlight Chiara Spiniello What drives variations in the low-mass end slope of the IMF for massive ETGs? Insights from INSPIRE
12:00-12:15 Highlight Avinash Chaturvedi Impact of variable IMF on the black hole mass estimate of massive galaxies
12:15-12:30 Highlight Dooseok Jung Spectroscopic Analysis of Very Massive Stars in the Context of Upper End of the IMF and MZR
12:30-14:00 Lunch    
  session chair: Julia Falcone microphone chair: Matej Barta  
14:00-14:15 Highlight Marie Zinnkann The mmax--Mecl relation in the LEGUS clusters
14:15-14:35 Contributed Alexy Elza Biju The variation of the dynamical M/L ratio of the elliptical galaxies.
  Contributed Amara Mighty  IMF variations across the DESI galaxy populations
  Contributed Marco Alfonso Alban Morales Mapping AGN winds: a connection between radio-mode AGN and the AGN feedback cycle
14:35-15:00 Coffee Break  
15:00-17:00 Joined Session  Ignacio Martin Navarro, Andrew Hopkins, Glenn van de Ven, Marie Zinnkann, Alexy Elza Biju
Thursday, 19 September - The Mass-Metallicity relation (MZR)
  session chair: Monika Pikhartová microphone chair: Matěj Bárta
10:00-10:30 Invited  Allisson Strom Rethinking metallicity: what we learn from chemical abundance patterns in distant galaxies
10:30-10:45 Highlight Dirk Scholte Evidence for a transition of the baryon cycle of galaxies at 10^9 Msun from the f_HI sequence and MZR
10:45-11:00 Highlight Zhuyun Zhuang Metals in Star-Forming Galaxies: Constraining Iron, Magnesium and Oxygen with Keck/KCWI
11:00-11:45 Coffee Break  
11:45-12:00 Highlight Nathalie Korhonen Cuestas The Fundamental Metallicity Relation at z~2-3: Complications from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey
12:00-12:15 Highlight Gauri Kotiwale Metallicity of galaxies at the tail-end of the Epoch of Reionisation
12:15-12:30 Highlight Christian Maier The mass-metallicity relation of high-redshift cluster galaxies and implications for quenching
12:30-14:00 Lunch    
  session chair: Ivanna Langan microphone chair:
14:00-14:30 Contributed Yaherlyn Diaz Probing Star Formation Rates: An In-Depth Analysis of the 11.3 microns PAH Feature as SFR tracer
  Contributed Toby Devereaux Identifying molecular gas clumps in star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon. 
  Contributed Izzy Garland Large-scale bars as a mechanism for triggering AGN
  Contributed Alain Andrade The AC114 galaxy cluster: the role of galaxy clusters in the mass-metallicity relation
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break  
15:00-16:30 Discussion in groups  
16:30-17:00 Joined Session Belen Alcalde, Ivo Saviane, Ivanna Langman, Gauri Kotiwale, Zhuang Zhuyun
Conference Dinner
Friday, 20 September - X-ray morning & Wrap-up day
    Session chair:Lydia Stofanova Microphone chair: Matěj Bárta
10:00-10:30 Contributed Julia Falcone Multiwavelength Analysis of the Outflows and Feedback Processes in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3227
  Contributed  Michal Zajacek A phenomenon of quasiperiodic ultrafast outflows: first detection and dynamical interpretation
  Contributed Bidzina Kapanadze Relativistic Jet of TeV-Detected Blazar Mrk421: Features of  Extreme Particle Acceleration Processes
  Contributed Tomas Plsek Studying radio-mechanical AGN feedback with X-ray cavities
  Contributed Dan Hu Ram-pressure stripped radio tail of the spiral galaxy in the HCG 97 group
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break    
11:00-11:20   Norbert Werner High Energy astrophysics reserach in Brno and synergies
11:20-12:00 Final discussion SOC + everyone
12:00-12:15 Short planetarium show